Q & A Answers

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Thanks for all the questions! :D Here's the answers in one neat place:


1) Who would you marry, kiss, or kill out of these three YouTubers: Mitch, Jerome, Ty?

A: Kiss Jerome, Marry Mitch (because I'd get dat good stuff c;), and *gasps and sobs* Kill Ty

2) What's your favorite show?

My Little Pony. Not joking either.

3) Who's your favorite YouTuber?

Mr. Mitchell Hughes ;3

4) Who's your favorite Superhero?

60's Spiderman

5) What other fandoms are you in?

My Little Pony, and Supernatural

6) If you had any animal (extinct or not) what would it be and what would it's name be?

A Gazelle. And it'd be GizzyGazelle :3


1) Post code? XD

A: luls

2) Phone number? XD XD

A: 123-456-7890

3) Name and age? XD XD XD Lol jks! I'm younger than u.. NOOOO!! CARA JUST DIED!!!! sorry if you watch the tomorrow people and haven't found that out yet... Totally not a SPOILER ALERT!!!

A: Jewel, I'm 15 :3

4) What's your fave ship


5) If your favourite youtuber was about to be killed by a dinosour, what object from your room would you use to save him/her?

A: I would throw this hot cup of coffee directly in that dino's eyes x3

6) Are you in a relationship? (Not weird just a question.)

A: yes I am c:

7) If so, boy or girl? (I get my suspicions, okay?!

A: I'm dating a girl x3

8) Do you look in the mirror and wander why you have friends... I do..

A: always.

9) Are you totally sociable... not like me who so doesn't spend all their life on the internet... I NEED A LIFE!!!

A: nope XD


Anyone you have the hots for right now? ;3

A: IRL, my girlfriend, online, das Mitchell Hughes

That was all the questions! Thanks again! Chapter... *insert number here because I forgot* will be up soon!


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