Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus! I had some stuff IRL to deal with, and work and all. But I'm back!


When I got home, Preston was waiting for me. "Jerome, where'd you go?" he asked, clearly confused.

"Well, I went to Mitch's, but Mike answered." I sighed. Preston nodded in understanding.

"You still like Mitch, don't you?" he chuckled. I nodded sheepishly.

"It's alright, the whole reason we're together is because of him." He murmured.

"But it doesn't really seem to be affecting him all that much. " I mumbled. It was true, aside from the few sparks of jealousy, Mitch didn't really show much opposition to our dating.

"Well, Mitch leaves for France in two weeks. Why don't you just get Mitch alone and tell him how you feel?" He suggested.

"No... we have to step our own game up, Preston. And I know exactly how." I stated.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Why don't we start dropping hints about something we haven't done... something involving a bedroom?" I smirked. His eyes widened.

"J- Jerome, I'm still a virgin... I mean, I don't even know what really goes on between two boys in that situation..." He stuttered.

"You could..." I grinned. Hey, if I was going to date Preston, why not make the most out of our relationship. After all, I did feel attraction to the boy, and not just physical attraction.

"I..." a blush rose on his cheeks. "You really think we're ready for that?" He whispered. "When all our relationship is, is based on making Mitch jealous?"

He had a point, I had to admit. "You're right. Sorry.." I sighed.

"It's okay. A lot of people have pointless sex." he murmured, placing a hand on my waist. Since when was Preston so close?

"You'd lose your virginity to pointless sex?" I asked, not necessarily complaining.

"Sure. You're cute, sexy, why not have a little fun?" he grinned. I had no idea Preston had this side to him. Of course, my reaction was immediate.

I pressed my lips to his, pushing him up against the wall. Preston groaned softly, wrapping his arms around my neck as I lifted him up. Our first time would be in a bedroom, damn it. I carried him upstairs, not breaking the kiss as I opened to door--

--to Mitch. The boy was unplugging a phone charger, presumably left here from last night. He looked, saw us, froze.

"You..." he bit his lip. "I didn't think you'd be doing this kind of thing when you liked me so much..." he whimpered. Was he tearing up?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Having sex with Preston when I know damn well you love me!" He yelled, shocking us.

"You knew?" I breathed.

"Yeah, of course! I was waiting until you realized that dating Preston to make me jealous was a stupid idea! But of course you can't even save yourself for me, if you loved me so much!" he snarled, pushing past us.

"No, Mitch, wait!" I called, putting Preston down before running after him.

"I can't believe you're so stupid. I... I guess I love you too, but not now, now that I know you've been with someone else." he sighed.

"I haven't been with him! It was the first time we've ever done that. It was pointless sex to fill urges." I insisted.

"Yeah, sure." He muttered, leaving.


A/N: Ohdayum. You say yes one time Jerome, you could fuck everything up.

Vote. Comment, Smile.


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