Chapter XXII

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Mackenzie's POV

I wake up, it's morning now. I'm in the conservation in Maddie and Jack's backyard.

Hovering over me is Johnny. His arms are crossed as he looks down at me.

"You're frying right now. Get out of the sun," he says.

I groan a bit in response. Confused about what's going on.

He sighs and looks to his left, "there's a stream with a little waterfall. And a cool looking tree," he stated.

I look over, sitting up. Then I see what he's talking about. It's so pretty. I want to be closer to it.

So I stand up and start walking. I walk over fallen limbs of trees, twigs, leaves etc. leaving a crunching sound every time I take a step.

I get there after a few minutes or so, as I get closer to the tree I see someone underneath the tree.

it killed me when she didn't want to come over anymore!

we would talk to Maddie she'd tell us she never eats at home.

I love her more than anything in this world and she's just dying in front of me!

I don't get to have my baby sister anymore.

I just don't see the point.

Then I'm sat on a tree branch. Staring out at the scenery. Then I feel a hand touch mine. I look over and see John smiling at me.

"You're amazingly beautiful. You know that?" He asks.

I grin weakly, "I do not."

He smiles and we both lean in. Our lips touch and within moments we deepen the kiss. I grab the back of his head and we start to make out.

But we soon end it. Both of us smiling like idiots at each other.

"Hey, I need you to look down," John said.

I turn hesitantly and look down at the ground. Where I see me naked, curled up in a fertile position.

"Is that me?" I ask, tears welling at my eyes. Trying to take in what I look like. Every rib showing, my arms and legs are thin like sticks, and my hips pointing out.

"Your courage is a small coal that you keep swallowing," John said placing a coal in my hand.

I turn to face him but, then he's gone. I sighed and look at the coal hesitantly. I take it and put it in my mouth swallowing.

But I start to cough choking on it.

But that's what wakes me up. I wake up coughing. I see I'm in the guest room, laying in bed.

I moan uncomfortably and sit up in bed.

"That was a fucked up dream," I muttered, placing my fingers on my pulse.

"Not dead."

I take deep breaths and look around the room. I smiled weakly at the way they decorated it. Definitely Maddie did this.

I get up and walk out of the room. Walking slowly through the hallway, looking at the pictures up on the wall.

Seeing a lot of Maddie and Jack but, there's ones with friends and family. One picture in particular makes me stop in my tracks.

It's the three of us. It was an art exhibit where my work was put on display. I was only fourteen and it was the biggest thing for me.

I smiled weakly and scan the wall, seeing more of me in the photos. Whether it was Jack and I or Maddie and I or all three of us.

"You like them?"

I jump up startled by the voice but, turn around to find my sister smiling at me.

"Uh- yeah. I was just looking," I say.

She walks over and wraps her arms around me, looking at the wall with me.

"You were always full of life, you always had fun. I miss that," Maddie said.

I nod sadly. "I- I do too."

She looks at me shocked for a moment. Then takes my hand and brings me to the living room where we sat on the couch.

"If you miss it, why won't you try to get better?" Maddie asks.

"I didn't realized I missed it until- well, until I had a few signs to tell me," I smirk.

She smiled and grabs my hands, not shuddering once as she grabs them.

"You know, I remember being your go to person for everything. When you had problems with school, needed help with homework, with your crushes. I was your person. You refused to go to Mom, and it made me feel important," Maddie explained. "I just wish I could be your person for this. I wish that you can just talk to me and tell me everything. I think that's what hurts the most with this. Is that- I can't be there when you need someone the most and you can't be there when I need you the most."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You were my person too. You just didn't know it. After you got diagnosed I would cry myself to sleep at night thinking I didn't do a good job. It just scares me to think what your going through," Maddie explains.

I look down sadly. Everything everyone has said replays in my head.

"I'll get better. I promise," I say.

This time I actually mean it.

Hey guys so so so so sorry for the delay in updates.

As y'all know I graduated high school (June 9th) then after that I've been chilling and trying to write some stories, getting more ideas for stories that I don't actually need at all.

But I was also saying goodbye to some of my friends bc they left during the summer to start college and shit hurts. I'm not an emotional person so idk how to deal with it.

Then I also am working a lot like on Tuesday I worked 10 hours. It sucked bootyhole. But hey that's okay.

In other news I got my class schedule for college and I'm hype af about it bc I feel that it's going to be totally different than high school.

Also I want to start writing again but idk what to write anymore. So if anyone wants to help hmu

Also, only two more parts left!

Bye loves xoxo

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