Chapter 12

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S'onon looked at Ryraso blankly, not sure how to respond to that accusation. The k'nairi reached out but curled his fingers and pulled back before he could touch Ryraso. "Quite possibly," S'onon allowed softly, not liking the look in Ryraso's eyes. Not quite anger but neither was it sadness. The look of a man who was cornered and didn't know what to do. It was a look and feeling S'onon had felt himself a few things while dealing with his illness.

"No quite about it," Ryraso growled, but the look softened and he looked away from S'onon. There were no shortage of curious eyes watching them but no one had attempted to break the sound bubble S'onon had cast. Ryraso smiled slightly, but there was a sadness to it. "I can feel the link rejoicing but inside I feel... cold," he admitted.

"You lost a long battle Ry. It's not surprising," S'onon commented. "The question is, will you win the war or not."

Ryraso blinked before giving S'ono a unimpressed look. "Does your mate also know just what the end game is in that scenario?" Ryraso asked bemusedly, knowing such words would not have come from S'onon alone. The man was dom through and through and poetry was not something in his skill set.

S'onon shrugged unembarrassed. "When it comes to the heart?" he looked slightly helpless. "The Winglord has done great things before to save people from unjust rules. He will try to help you son," S'onon added with a great deal more grounding. "I can't imagine he isn't aware of your issue," he added with a teasing smirk.

Ryraso found himself grinning back at the smirk and nodded. "Tai'ray is aware of the issues. However," the healer looked down at the ground as seriousness washed back over him. "How much he can do when the situation affects him personally is limited. When he fights for others he has the backing of the Goddess. But for himself..." He found himself tightening his hands into fists with frustration.

"He's entitled to fight just as hard," S'onon said firmly. "I'll admitted you are more complicated but that child is innocent of all crimes."

Slowly looking up, Ryraso met S'onon's eyes. The man was serious and sincere. Ryraso smiled again fondly. "I'm glad you think so," Ryraso murmured, unclenching his fists. "I had better go and attempt to eat something. Thank you S'onon."

"You owe me nothing," S'onon commented firmly. "I failed to see past the link."

"You are still you," Ryraso argued gently, patting S'onon's shoulder like he would have done to Isst or Wiljam. Before it could even click that it was the wrong gesture in Navat, he was in S'onon's arms. The k'nairi was hugging him tightly. A sense coming over from the link that S'onon had understood the action regardless.

"Eat well. You are always to shelter in my nest should you need too," S'onon intoned, a oath made in truth. Ryraso nodded and pulled away from S'onon. "Now I'd jog if I were you. High Priest  Ton'enth is currently walking down the main corridor," S'onon added.

Ryraso cursed and with one last nod, quickly made his way into the great hall before the k'nairi could catch up to him. The priests would not dare try anything with Tai'ray nearby to them. Tai'ray had made his opinions on how the priests treated Ryraso clear years ago. Ryraso was dimly aware of S'onon distracting the man and quickly headed to where his makeshift family was seated. He tried not to grin as he approached but failed, the four of them made an interesting image.

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