A/N: heya guys! This is my new fanfic, My Alien, based on the song My Alien, by Simple Plan. I'll probably write the first chapter for this before updating Long Game, No Shot. Be warned this is a really short prologue... So yeah I hope you enjoy it!!!
Word count: 275 (see I told you it was short!)
Louis' POV
I was just about to start my solo in Save You Tonight when I saw her, she seemed to fizzle into the air like a hologram. She left me breathless. She was absolutely stunning, and had the most beautiful smile anyone could have ever seen. Her posture was a bit off, but the lankiness of it just made me feel more connected with her. I guess I got a bit carried away with my thoughts, when Harry nudged me, everyone stared at me in confusion.
"Up, up and away, I'll take you with me." I sang, looking into her eyes, not on purpose, but she was like gravity, pulling me towards her. I suppose she must've noticed I was singing to her, she blushed but her face fell after. She turned her head of flowy, brown hair, breaking our eye contact, and ran out. Even though she was running away from me, I couldn't help but feel content with myself for making a connection. The way she ran was like she was floating on water, it made me jittery.
Harry finally sang the last words of What Makes You Beautiful, and I immediately ran off the stage. "I need to find her," I continued muttering to myself, there's nothing wrong with a bit of positivity. Honestly, I got quite frantic looking for her, Harry saw her too and understood what I meant by her beauty. We asked the bartender, but he didn't recall any girl of the sort. The same with security out front.
I'd not known the mysterious girl at all, not even her name. But I knew she was the one.