1: "i hate you"

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a/n: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i see alot of you are reading this book and i would really appreciate that you could

also read my recent book called MAFIA; W.H (watanabe haruto - treasure 13)  

and also KPOP ZODIACS <3

it would really mean a lot to me! thanks! <3

"Y/N COME DOWNSTAIRS THIS INSTANT!" your drunk mother screamed from the couch

you walked downstairs even though you knew she had drunk a lot, "what did I do this time huh?" you said even though you already know she was gonna go off at you.

"YOU BASTARD, WHY DONT YOU GO LIVE WITH YOUR FATHER, I DONT WANT A DISGRACE LIVING IN MY HOUSE!" she said enraged, "fine," you said casually as you leaned against the wall.

what you had just said made her angry, she got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, she came back a few seconds later with a large ceramic plate, your eyes opened wide at the thought of her going to throw it at you, "she wouldn't dare" you thought to yourself.

she stopped walking and stood at the kitchen table which was only a few meters away from where you were standing

you backed up a little

but she moved closer, a few seconds later she lifts up the plate and aims it right at your face, but luckily you dodged it, she looked angry and went back into the kitchen, you heard the scraping of a knife so you ran up to your room as quick as your legs could go, you made it to your room, locked the door and put a blanket over you, a few moments later of silence you hear footsteps coming up, they get closer and closer to your bedroom door, it was her.

"YOU FUCKING BRAT OPEN THE DOOR, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AS SOON AS I OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR" she screamed while kicking and punching the door like a crazy psychopath.

At this point you were scared, she has never done anything this extreme while she wasn't sober.

you didn't know what to do because she started stabbing the door.

Your only options were; stay there and get killed by your own mum or pack your things and jump out of the window, you chose the second one because THIS CRAZY MOTHA FUCKER IS NOT KILLIN YOUR SORRY ASS TODAY!

you got your piggy bank that you had been saving since you were 5 (now you're 19 so you had quite a lot of money, your phone, a bag with a bunch of clothes, your passport (just in case you had to flee the country or some shit like that), your everyday essentials, and some shoes.

You then quickly head out the window as soon as your mum starts banging on the door and screaming again, you didn't care anymore, all you wanted was to get out of this house.

You hesitated a bit but you ended up falling feet first onto the grass. "fuck" you said as you winced in pain.

You were on the ground holding your ankle, you were hurt but you didn't want to stay there much longer so you decided to call an uber to take you to the nearest convenience store to go get something for your ankle.

-thank you for reading this chapter of 'you're mine'

this is you:

this is you:

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𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊; 𝖍𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖓Where stories live. Discover now