3: "father"

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You got up from the bed and stumble to where Hyunjin was sitting and plop on the one next to him, "YAH! y/n, you shouldn't be out of bed!", he whisper-yelled just in case he woke up Chan and your dad, "you can't tell me what to do~" you said as you stuck your tongue out at him, "uh.. guys?", Chan had just woken up from his nap, "Hyunjin?" Chan said suspiciously, "what have you guys been doing?", "NOTHING!" you both said in sync (You and Hyunjin),  "it's nearly time to go to the airport" your dad said as he woke up because of all the noise, "okay dad" you said as you try to get up, but a second before you got up, Hyunjin had also gotten up and carried you. 

"u-uh Hyunjin?" you said blushing, "what?" he said coldly, "nothing" you reply while turning away from him, he finally placed you back onto the bed and walked over to the chair again and got his jacket, while Chan and your dad got ready to check out

"are we all ready?" Chan asked, "yeah, I think so," you said as you sat on the bed, "u-um yn? do you need me to carry you?, I just think that it would be better for you not to walk for now until we get to the airport" Chan asked smiling, "sure" you said smiling back, you see Hyunjin on his phone sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, you decide to leave him alone since you didn't want to annoy him anymore, you then got onto Chans' back and left the room,  Hyunjin followed you both out. "uh, Chan?" you asked, "hmm?" he hums, "am i to heavy?" you mumble, "NO! of course not, you're way too light, you should eat more y/n" he says poking your stomach while you were on his back, "Yah! stop it, that tickles!" you yell a bit too loudly, you stuff your face into his back in embarrassment, Chan chuckles and keeps walking to the reception desk where your dad is with his bodyguard; Frank.   

"Hey dad, are we ready to go now?" you ask politely as possible, even though you were getting a bit impatient, "yep, just finished signing the papers, let's go quickly before we're late!" he says as he walks towards the exit with Frank, "LETS GOOOOO~~~" Chan says as he bolts all the way to the door before his dad got there, Hyunjin walked because he wasn't as "childish" as Chan.

[*You all got to the airport, went onto the plane, now you are in Korea*]

"YAH! y/n wake up! we're here" Chan yells as he shakes you to wake you up, "just let me sleep here, I'll be fine," you say still half asleep, "whatever you say, sis, cya in the morning!" Chan says as he hops out of the car and closes the door, leaving you in the dark, "CHAN, GET YOUR ASS RIGHT HERE OR I SWEAR TO GOD I AM GOING TO THROW MY DAMN SHOE AT YOU!!!!" you yell as loudly as you can so he could hear you, "Alright alright, don't hurt me!!~~~" he says as he appears out from the shadows, you want to slap the shit outta him, but you were too tired so you just held out your arms, signalling him to carry you into the house, he did as he was told/signalled and carried you in, as you were carried into the house, you were greeted by Hyunjin at the door, "Hey Jinnie" you said half asleep, "hey" he replied chuckling. "okay, y/n, you have to decide who you want to sleep with until your room is all renovated, so whose it gonna be?, actually you know what?, you can sleep in Jinnies' room, I don't think he'll mind, won't you Hyunjin?" he said as he jabbed Hyunjin in the arm with his elbow, "ok" Hyunjin said as he walked up to his room, "I'll get you some blankets and pillows!" Chan said as he ran upstairs, you also follow him upstairs, (you can walk now) but you dont know which room he went into so you just walk into a random room, turns out it was Hyunjins' room, you walk in to see a shirtless Hyunjin laying on his bed, "oh.my.god" you mumble with your eyes wide open, "um, y/n?, you good?" he said sounding a little worried, "oh um yeah, sorry, i didnt know this was your room" you said realizing what you had just done, "oh its okay, your sleeping here anyway, so make your self-comfortable", he said as he pat the bed, "yo-you want me to sle-sleep on the bed with y-you?!" you stutter, "um where else would you sleep? on the floor?" he chuckled, you turn bright red and immediately cover your face with your hands, Hyunjin starts to get up and walks towards you, making you walk back, causing you to bump into the door, making it shut, "holy shi-"you say as he presses his body against yours, "what did you say?" he says moving his lips closer to yours, "nothi-", "no, you definitely said something" he said as he interrupted you

-thank you for reading this chapter of 'you're mine'

(973 words)

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