ஐFang 7: ஐ New Mission

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Rin's POV

It's been weeks and I've had nothing to do but stupid D-Ranked missions! but thankfully, I'm currently doing a simple C-Ranked mission. It's nothing special, just guarding a little girl back to her village, she was separated from her family during their move and she luckily ended up in the hands if the Leaf. The brown haired girl's name is Téa.

As we walked, we talked about some random things and got to know each other pretty well. "Hey, Rin, how long will it be till I get to see mommy and daddy again?" She asked, the wind picking up strands of her shoulder length hair and strap of her pink kimono. "Well, at the past we're going, probably in about week, if I run then in about 5-6 days." I answered. "Then can we run? I really miss them..."

I smiled at her innocent question and crouched down. "Hop on my back and hold on tight then." I chuckle. She does a little cheer and happily hops onto my back.

Once I was sure she wasn't going to fall off, I kicked into a full on sprint, going at an incredible speed, leaving a cloud of dust behind us.

Téa's POV

While Rin was running, I held on tight but I'm surprised that it wasn't a bumpy rid. When ever daddy would pick me up on his back and start running, it'd be a bumpy ride, like riding a horse without a seat.

With Rin, it's a smooth ride, almost like she's just taking gliding steps, kind if like how it would feel... riding a wolf...

Time Skip

It's night fall now and Rin set up a tent for me. "Where're you going to sleep, Rin?" I ask. "I'll sleep out here, but I'm going to have to keep watch, I'll create a shadow clone to keep watch when I'm too tired." She answered, then gave me a warm smile. "Now, you should get some sleep. It's time for all 8 year old girls to get some sleep."

I nodded before wishing her good night and crawling inside of the green tent.

Kiba's POV

I spent the whole day chasing after a stupid cat and cleaning up gardens.... stupid D-Rank missions....

I dragged myself inside. "I'm home!" I call out. "About time, brat!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

I made my way up to the bathroom, Akamaru still on top of my head.

'Wonder what Rin's up to...?' I thought as I sit in the nice hot water.



Hey guys! sorry bout the short chapter, especially after such a long time!

I'M SO SORRY! >___<

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