Part Sixteen

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Author's POV-

Shivaay's fingers trembled, his chest was tight and he was struggling to think straight he felt stupid for asking that question, he didn't believe for a second that she would ever want to marry him again. Finding the courage to look up he was even more disgusted with himself at the tears in her eyes

"I would love to marry you again" she whispered before embracing him

Shivaay froze, unable to believe she had agreed, lifting his arms he wrapped them around her waist and pulled her impossibly closer

"Oi love birds, that's enough" shouted Gauri causing Anika to blush and step away "Another wedding, yay"

Omkara covered his ears and shook his head at Gauri "You know what that means bhai, Anika bhabhi cant stay in your room" Omkara wriggled his brows

Shivaay frowned "So where will she stay then"?

Gauri was about to offer for Anika to stay with her when Omkara shook his head
"Im not being punished to because they are getting married"

Gauri blushed and slapped his shoulder
"Shh" she admonished


Anika stood alone outside sipping her tea from the front porch when a car pulled up
"Call for help and I will shoot" said Rajesh menacingly while pulling his gun out of his pocket as he got out of the car

"I thought you were dead" she spoke, astounded, slipping back against the door she tried to calm her breathing "S-stay away from me"

"You thought wrong" he chuckled, eyes glistening menacingly "It's simple I will kill Shivaay or you break his heart, choice is yours and dont try and play me because you know what I can do" getting back in his car he drove away

Anika walked back inside to see Shivaay on his knee with a ring box in his hand "I know I didnt get the chance to do this properly earlier, but I got you a ring" the smile on his face momentarily took her breath away

She went to smile then stopped herself, lifting the ring she threw it to the floor "I don't like it"

Shivaay stood up, confused "Anika, whats wrong"?

Turning away from him she wiped away a tear and turned back to face him "Just dont want a cheap ring, ive been thinking you're too soppy for me, not really my type"

Shivaay grabbed her arm, turning her around harshly, her back hit the radiator and she hissed in pain "Too soppy, I dont quite understand, do you want me to be SSO again"

She gulped "What does that mean"?

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi, or as you used to say Stone Singh Oberoi" frowning he let her go "This isn't you Anika, what's going on"? His brows furrowed

"This is me, you just missed it, everyday youre always crying, who's the woman in this relationship, me or you"?

Shivaay stood back in utter shock, "Fine, if that' what you want, I will be SSO". She gasped as he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and put her in their room, slamming the door shut he locked it and glared at her, Anika stood back fearfully, he glared at her and backed her up against the wall "This good enough for you, baby"? He ran a finger down her arm. She shook her head only to feel herself being pushed more into the wall, his chest against hers he growled "What about now"?

Huffing she tried to shove him away

"Oh what, now you dont want me to be close hmm, well, you're not leaving this room till you tell me what you're hiding from me"

"Shivaay, my back" she gasped

Shivaay blinked as if coming out of a trance he pulled away "Anika I" he looked down, shaking his head "I wasnt thinking, im sorry"

Anika flinched at Shivaay pulling away from her, she felt sick for having to do this, if only there was some way she could tell him what she had to do "Rajesh"

He looked up and his eyes darkened "Do not say his name"

"Rajesh hurt me, dont you think its because he wants to break your heart"

He frowned "Maybe, I guess so, but hes gone now, hes dead"

"So was I but I came back" she reasoned, hoping for him to catch on

"Anika, do you know something I do not"?

"Uh, no, just saying"

Shivaay turned her around fast, so her chest was against the wall and started to pull her top up

"Shivaay what are you"

"Let me see your back" he interrupted
his cold fingers danced over her back as he started to look at her injuries "Did you really think the ring was cheap"?

Anika shook her head "It was beautiful" she whispered

He leant down, kissing her shoulder
"I love you Anika, I just want to be enough for you"

She tried to turn back around, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her "But if youre really that tired of how emotional I am, I get it, I will leave"

Anika's heart clenched in her chest at his words though felt comfort when he pulled her top back down and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder "Im not tired of you, I love you just how you are, I just, I"

Shivaay turned her around and cupped her face "Whats wrong Anika, please talk to me"

She shrugged "Michmichi ho rahi hai"

He frowned, "Whats making you feel michmichi"

"Two rupee harkat"

Shivaay's face morphed into one of understanding "Rajesh" he asked

She nodded fast, a bright smile on her lips "He wants to hurt my Kanji Ankhon Wala". Shivaay gritted his teeth and she grabbed his hand as he tried to walk away, sliding her pinky finger around his she bit into her bottom lip "Promise you will be heartbroken"?

He nodded, understanding what Anika wanted from him

She let out a sigh of relief as he kissed her cheek and she smiled, cupping his, running her thumb under his eye she smiled "We will be okay right"?

He stroked her hair, kissing her forehead "Of course" but even he was unsure himself

"Will you still love me if I become SSO"?

Anika nodded "Will you still love me, is the question"?

"There isnt a doubt in my mind" he promised

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