Chapter 2

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"Yo yo yo it's yah boy Zach and on today's vlog we're here with the vidcon tour!" Zach says interrupting the moment.

I just roll my eyes and take a seat next to Loren. "So today we got Jacob Saggy tits" Zach says while ruffling Jacob's hair. Then he starts walking my way... "we also got Lauran Grey and Tyler Brown in the building-well bus" he says.

We all start laughing except for one person, the new boy he just stood looking out the window.

"And all the way from Minnesota, give it up for the infamous Justin Blake!" Zach exaggerates while clapping. All Justin does is roll his eyes and looks back out the window.

Justin Blake that name rings a bell. Maybe I should check musically.

I pull out my phone and go to the musically stats. And there he is Justin Blake at number two on the score board.

Number 2?!?! He has 1 million more views than me that's crazy!

I look up at him he's all alone maybe I should go say something to him. I get lost in thought when I hear snaps.

I snap back to reality and I'm standing in front of Justin while he looks at me with the most confused look on his face.

His gaze meets mine and I'm frozen in place. "Umm is there something I could help you with?" He ask, more like snaps at me.

Damn his voice is so ughhhhh....

"Oh- umm, I'm Tyler I don't think we've met before" I say while putting my hand out to shake his.

He doesn't take my hand instead, he turns back to look out the window. "The names Justin" he says.

There's a seat next to him. "Umm can I sit here?" I ask pointing to the seat next to him. "No" he snaps.
Damn what's his problem?

"Can't you see that I want to be left alone you neanderthal" he says. You can feel the venom in his voice.

"Well damn all I wanted to do was sit next to you because you were all alone. I felt bad" I kind of whisper.

"Well I don't need people feeling sympathy for me" he says harshly without breaking his gaze from the window. "You can leave now" he waves at me.

Damn someone's got their boxers in a twist. Like what the fuck was his problem allí wanted to do is be nice.

8 hours later

"Okay so there's 3 rooms and everybody has their roommates assigned to them" Zach announces.

He reads off the paper that's in his hand. "In room A is Loren and Ariel. In room B is Jacob, Mark, and I. And finally in room C is Tyler and Justin."

My heart literally sinks to my ass. Why do I need to share a room with him? Why couldn't Zach share the room with him?

I go up to Zach and pull him to the side of the bus. "Can you please do me a solid and switch rooms with me?" I ask.

"Wait are you roomed with Justin" he ask. I nod my head yes and that's when his eyes go wide. "Nahhhh I'm good bro and plus we not supposed to switch roommates it's against the rules" he says while leaving me in the corner.

"PUSSY" I yell at him and he flicks me off and I roll my eyes. Going to the back of the bus where room C is.

Justin is laying with his eyes closed on the top bunk. I just roll my eyes and lay on the bottom bunk. I sigh.

This is gonna be a long 4 months. Especially with Mr. Minnesota on the top bunk.
So I hope yah all like this chapter because to be honest this is the most cringe worthy thing I've ever wrote in my life.

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