Chapter 5

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I wake up and it's about 4 pm I go into the bathroom. I see something on the floor and the only word that comes into mind is blood.

I look around and see Justin in the bathtub unconscious. The bathtub is filled to the brim with blood.

What do I do? What do I do?

I drop to my knees and hold up his head in my hands. I start to cry I keep crying and it doesn't stop even if I try.

"I should've told you" I whisper "I should've told you that I had feelings for you". I cry and this time I hear a noise like a fire alarm.

I wake up due to someone shaking me. "TYLER" I hear Justin yell "WAKE THE HELL UP THE BUS IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!".

I automatically jump up from the spot next to Justin. The air is full of smoke, so I try to grab Justin's hand and run.

But then there's that beeping sound again. Where is that sound coming from?


Zach comes into the room with a pot and Woden spoon.

"GET THE HELL UP LOSERS" he yells while banging the pot as loud as he can.

I get up and go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and notice that I have tears swelling up in my eyes.

What did that dream mean?

I honestly have no clue, but I guess the tale will reveal itself eventually right?

I take a shower and get out when I had my clothes on I went and laid back down on my bed. And that's when Jacob came in the room.

He looked at me and his eyes widened and he started cracking up. His whole face turned red and there were tears swelling up in his eyes.

"What are you laughing at chicken legs?" I ask while throwing a pillow at him. In between wheezes he slips out " your *wheeze* hair".

I run straight into the bathroom and look at the mirror. My eyes widen at the terrifying sight.

My. Hair. Is. Pink. Pink?!?

I immediately go and grab my shampoo and the label slips off revealing a different label that says "ultra stay pink hair dye".

My head is spinning and my eyes widen at the sight of the hair dye. Then I hear a small noise, almost like a beeping.

I look around the bathroom for the noise. And there it is. Sitting in front of me a small camera.

There's only three people in this house that vlogs. Jacob, Justin, and Zach. But it couldn't have been Jacob since he was just as surprised as I am. So it's between Zach and Justin.

To be completely honest I don't know who could've did it, but to whoever it was game on. Because you just awoken your worst nightmare.




2 hours later

I had planned what I was going to do to Justin and Zach. To be honest mainly what imma do to Zach.

The tour bus had just stopped to get some gas and there was a convenience store, so I went in to buy a couple of things.

I bought Kool-aid, Brown hair dye, and some makeup.

I got back on the bus and discussed my plans with Jacob. We went to his bathroom (Zach's bathroom) and we took the shower head off and filled it with the Kool-aid mix.

Then I took the rest of the pink hair dye and put it in his shampoo. Jacob my handy dandy assistant took a camera and hid it, so that you can see Zach's reaction.

About 1/2 an hour later

I'm sitting on the couch when  I hear Zach tell Jacob he's gonna be in the shower. The water starts running. 1, 2, 3 and just like if it was on cue a bone chilling scream comes from the direction of the room.

Jacob and I start dying. But just wait until I get Justin back. If it was him.
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Qotd: "In order to stay alive, you've got to kill your mind"
~Twenty one pilots

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