Chapter 10

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Warning: This chapter might be a little offensive to the LGBTQIA community. I'm sorry, I don't mean it to sound offensive.

"Hand clapping

Earth shaking

Heart breaking,

There's no faking what you feel when you're right at home!"

2 hours before

As Justin and I leave the stage from the meet and greet I look at him and see that he's smiling at the ground. Wow did it just get a lot hotter in here??

We split ways and go to our booths. I'm so relived that I'm sharing a booth with Jacob because he's honestly the only person I could talk to about Justin and I. I sit behind my place card and me and Jacob have one of our famous whisper conversations:

Jacob: So you and Justin?

Me: Yeah its great right?

Jacob: yeah..

Me: What you mean "yeah.."

Jacob: Okay let me ask you this, what sex is Justin?

Me: Are you dumb? He's male

Jacob: Uh "are you dumb?" he's trans

Me: Huh?

Jacob: Do I have to spell it out? He's transgender

Me: What?!


I'll finish this later I just feel like you guys need a little preview to what I'm writing. And sorry if the chapter sounds a little offensive it's honestly not supposed to be just wait till I finish writing it.

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