*New Beginnings~6*

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It was so nice to finally see Kc feeling relieved and less tense from the thought of maybe her other brother not liking her, because they got along just fine, Danny told her everything that's happened with him, since the day she was taken away from them, then he pulled out an old charm that he attached to a bracelet and slowly handed it to her, as he told her it belonged to her, that before she got very sick, she lost it, and was searching everywhere for it, and that the day their parents took her away he found it on the bathroom floor just under the lavatory. Then when their parents came back home without her, they took all her things and got rid of it, and told both of her brothers never to mention her again, but he kept her charm, as a personal promise that he would never lose it, now he could give it back.

Kc looked at the charm for the longest time, then as if a bolt of lightning struck her on the head, she turned to me and Klayton and said she remembered what her parents looked like, and why she wanted to find her charm so badly, was that she believed that it made the pain ease up and sometimes even go away. That way she could stay with her family instead of being taken off and left because she, in fact, heard her parents arguing with each other about giving her away to someone that could actually take care of her and her medical condition she had, because they couldn't take it anymore. Kc slowly put the charm on the necklace chain she wore and held onto it tightly, as she closed her eyes just for a moment.

Then she gave Danny another loving hug, and whispered thanks in his ear, then she turned around and walked over to Klayton and asked who this lovely lil girl was being so quiet and wearing such a big smile. April blushed lightly as she held out her hand to Kc and said her name was April Mae Scott. Klayton chuckled to himself as he handed April to Kc and told April that she was her Auntie. I comically jumped up and moved over to my baby girl and asked what about me, Klayton slapped the back of my head and told April that I was her crazy ass uncle Crisstopher. April clapped her hands together then she reached out for Criss wanting him to hold her too.

Which was a good thing because Johnny came out of the other room and he didn't really like sharing his new mommy with other kids. He scampered over to her and jumped into her arms and looked around at all the new people he didn't know and pointed at them and who dat? Usually, he didn't talk like that, but because he was still over half asleep still his speech was garbled just a little. Klayton moved over and told him they were his Aunt and Uncle that he hasn't met yet. Johnny looked at him inquisitively then looked over at his Uncle JD and Costa. Klayton figured out his way of thinking very quickly and told him that his Uncle Danny was his and his mommy's brother. Johnny kept looking at them and said oh, then he looked around the room and said he had much aunts and uncles.

But when he looked over at his daddy and saw him holding a little girl around his age he moved over to me and looked up at me with a somewhat of a sad puppy face on him, but stayed quiet. I knelt down and lifted him up on my other knee and told him that she was his cousin April. Johnny looked at her for a long time and said that cousin was a girl, then he asked how was he supposed to play with a girl. I looked over at Kc and my brothers as I told him that it was just as easy making friends with girls, as it was boys, and sometimes it was even better than making friends with other boys. 

Then I sat them both down and asked him to give it a try because Sully didn't come over that much anymore, and little Skylar didn't play with him when she was there because she was always wrapped around her mommy, Sandy not wanting to leave her arms. Which in my opinion was ridiculous at first, we thought it was because she was shy, but when Sully came over on his own he explained to us that Skylar was just spoiled rotten by her mother, and she let her get by with everything, and that Skylar was afraid that if she left her mommy, she wouldn't get to have her way anymore, because when she was with daddy he made her mind.

It was getting to be supper time, and Kc whispered in my ear telling me that all our family and friends were probably getting hungry, and she needed to get in there and start cooking. Kc slowly moved toward the kitchen when I saw her stagger a little bit, I walked slowly to her getting ready to ask her if she was ok, then she quickly grabbed her head and fell to the floor, but before she could hit her head on the marble floor in the hallway, I was underneath her holding her, and checking her pulse asking her if she was ok, but she was out cold from whatever happened to her. I slightly panicked but carried her up to the bedroom and hollered at Klayton or anyone to call the hospital and get a doctor here as fast as possible!

Then after my panic, I hollered at Rachel to get up here and see if she knew what was going on because she has been her nurse since forever. Rachel moved past Klayton and went into the room and began giving her a check-up, what seemed to be some kind of an aneurysm from her brain, that's why she held onto her head before she passed out cold from the pain, but Rachel added very quickly that the Dr needed to get there with special equipment to make sure that she didn't have any internal bleeding from it, and to give her proper medication to make sure that she wouldn't get any more of them. I stayed in the room holding tightly onto Kc's hand when Johnny came in crying in fear of what was happening with his mommy.

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