Hijikata x Reader I still love you

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Hijikata Toshizo was a very stoic man to say at the very least. All around the Shinsengumi, he was referenced as cold and not able to love anyone. But this only a rumor. A rumor that was not true. At all. You see he loved many things, the Shinsengumi, his comrades, Kondo-San, and at the very top of this list his beautiful wife, (Y/N)-San. She was very beautiful, with her (h/l), (h/c) hair and her gorgeous (s/c) skin and her (e/c) eyes. She was very kind and gentle to everyone and was very quiet and cautious. Hijikata couldn't help but love her, even more, when he saw her helping people without hesitation. He would always love her. And little did he know that his love would be tested greatly when the....accident happened. You see, (Y/N)-San was walking around the market in Kyoto and she saw a rogue samurai raising his sword against a small boy and just as he went to cut the boy down, (Y/N)-San had pushed the child away and the sword had cut her from her shoulder down to the middle of her back deeply. She let out a painful scream and grabbed her shoulder before collapsing in pain and from the blood loss. Hijikata had just finished a commander's meeting and was planning to head his office to do some paperwork when a young man from patrol called for him from across the hall. Hijikata turned and looked at the young man who was panting hard and was as white as a sheet and asked him, What's wrong soldier? The young mam swallowed before saying the one thing Hijikata feared in this whole world. Hijikata-San, I..It's (Y/N)-San, she has been injured severely. At that moment Hijikata felt as though his whole world had come crashing down. Where is she!? Hijikata demanded from the soldier. She is currently in one of the rooms on the left side with Sannan-San treating her. The soldier replied. Hijikata ran to where his wife was and when he got there his heart stopped. There you were lying on the blood-stained futon, bandaged from your shoulder, across your chest, until the middle of your back. Your (s/c) skin was very pale and your (e/c) eyes were shut as you slept. Hijikata started at you before he quickly ran to your side, grasping your hand in his and pressing it to his lips and keeping it there. Sannan-San put a hand on his shoulder and told him that in a couple days he could tell if you were going to be alright but for now, they have to wait. And wait he did. Hijikata never left your side and refused to do so. After a couple days, you finally woke and for the first time in your entire life, you saw him cry. He held in you in his arms and gently whispered how much he loved you. You started crying. Worried he gently lifted your face to look at you in your eyes. What's wrong (Y/N)? He asked worry laced in his voice. Do you promise that you will still love me when you see the awful scar on my back Hijikata-San? You asked crying softly. Hijikata kissed you and replied with Even with the scar (Y/N) I still love you.
( Thanks for reading!! Until next time~Hannah

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