Chapter: 1

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Mina's POV:

"Mina! Your aunt is here! Hurry and come to greet her!"

"Coming Mom!" I quickly made my way to the living room, trying my best not to fall on my way their since I do tend to be a bit clumsy...

"Aunt Yuna!" I ran and hugged my favorite aunt.

My parents worked for a company which required that they sometimes travel for business trips. For the first time, though, they have to leave for about a year and a half.

"So you guys leave next week right?" Aunt Yuna asked my mom.

"Yeah, sorry again for making you drive all the way to Seoul to pick Mina up."

"I told you not to worry about it! I like driving so it wasn't that big of a deal. I understand that you guys have business to take care of before you leave." Aunt Yuna smiled, reassuring my worrisome mother.

I'm used to staying at my aunts house for about 1 or 2 months at a time due to my parents' job. It's always been during the summer, though. The last time they were on a business trip was about 5 years ago when I was about 14 years old.

My dad was in the kitchen making tea for us.

"Sorry again for making you spend your first year of college in Daegu and not here in Seoul." My dad said as he came over to us handing the 3 of us cups.

"Dad, I told you it's okay. I don't like the kids going to school here anyways." I smiled, trying to make my parents feel a bit less guilty.

I wasn't lying, though. The kids here have always bullied me ever since I was a child. I have always been a little bit chubbier than other girls. I got used to all he hurtful words that the other kids would say to me. I also got used to not having that many friends. I did, however, have this one best friend that I absolutely loved. We were inseparable until she had to move to America 2 years ago and I was back to being alone. It's okay though. I don't want people to feel bad for me. I just want to get through college peacefully and quietly. And I plan to try my best to make sure it goes that way.

I go upstairs to get my bags and quickly come back downstairs to say goodbye to my parents.

"Come on Mina. I want to try and make it back before it gets dark."

"Okay!" I go to my parents and hug them both tightly. "I'm going to miss my little girl so much." My mom sarted to tear up as she kept me in a tight hug.

"I will too, mom. You promised you'd come back for my birthday though, right?"

"Of course, we wouldn't miss our angel's 19th birthday for the world." My dad said as he came to hug me once again.

I said goodby to them one more time as I walked out of the house and into my aunts car. We all waved goodbye to each other as we drove off.

It was around 3 PM when we left. I ended up falling asleep in the car and woke up when we had about 30 minutes left of driving.

"Aunt Yuna?"

"Hmm?" She hummed in response, signaling for me to continue speaking while she kept her eyes on the road.

"Is he home?"

"He better be. I texted him before we left telling him that we would be home in about 3 hours so he had to be there to welcome you. I bet you're excited to see him after so many years though. How many had it been again?"

"About 5."
I stare out the window and stay quiet the rest of the way. I'm nervous and excited. Nervous because we haven't seen each other for a very long time. But excited because I get to see my favorite cousin again. I am a bit scared to see how much he's changed tho... the last time I saw him, he was still going through some puberty stages at around 16 years old. I would always make fun of all his voice cracks. I wonder if those still happen.

After a few more minutes, we finally arrive. Her house still looks exactly the same.

We unload my bags and start heading to the front door.

Aunt Yuna opens the door and I take my shoes off and put on a pair of slippers that were already there waiting for me.

I start to walk further into her house as the nostalgia hits me like a truck. "Wow..." I say to myself. "This place hasn't changed at all."

I smile as I go to the living room and start looking at the old photos on the wall. I see one of my parents and I when I was younger. I keep walking around, admiring aunt Yuna's decorations. She has great taste plants and flowers.

"Long time no see, Mina."

A deep voice startles me as I immediately turn around, not being able to tell who the voice came from.

I turn around and see him. My eyes widened as I notice how much she's changed.

"Too long." I respond and immediately go to him for a hug.


Hello~! This is the second story I've written but the first that I actually feel I will finish, and I will make sure I do.
This chapter is a bit long but that's because originally chapter 1 was too short so I combined it w/ the chapter 2 I had written already.
I really hope you guys enjoy this story and support it by voting 💜
I will update on a regular basis. Either once or twice a week.
If you have any requests for things you'd like to see, please feel free to let me know and I will try my best to include it in the story. Giving you credit, of course :).
Also, I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes that I fail to notice and correct.

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