Chapter 3

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Mina's POV:

It's been about a week since I came to Daegu and school was starting today. Am I nervous? A little bit. But It's okay.

I force myself out of bed since it's so early and get ready in the bathroom. One thing I seriously hate is having to wake up early. But I have no choice.

After getting ready, I go downstairs and eat breakfast with aunt Yuna and Yoongi. After we're done, Yoongi and I say goodbye to aunt Yuna and go to his car.

Once we got to school, we walked in together. As if we were celebrities or something, everyone was staring at us. Yoongi seemed to not care. It's like he was used to this. "Maybe he's popular?" I thought to myself. I got a few judgmental looks from girls as I passed by. I even heard one of them say "What is someone as big and ugly as her doing with my Yoongi?"

I scoffed. "Your Yoongi?" I said to myself. We kept walking until we arrived at what I assume was my first class.

"Okay this is your class, Mina."

"Thank you, Yoongi." I gave him a quick hug and walked into class.

"Oh, you must be Yoon Mina, right?" The teacher asked. She was a really pretty woman and looked like she was in her early thirties.

I nodded and she proceeded to speak to the class.

"Everyone, this is Yoon Mina. She just transferred here."

"Pfft. Looks like she ate everything she could on her way here." Some kid said and a few others in the class laughed.

"Matthew, why don't you and I have a conversation about exactly what's wrong with almost everything that comes out of your mouth, later? In detention."

A few giggles could be heard and the teacher shut them up by saying "Anyone want to join him? The more the merrier, I always like to say." She turned to look at me. "Now, Miss Mina, you can sit down in that empty seat next to Mr. Kim."

I walked over to the desk and the teacher spoke again "Oh and Jisoo, would you mind waking him up? It appears as though he fell asleep. Again."

The girl named Jisoo turned around and tapped on the boy's arm. The boy slowly lifted his head up and he looked so tired. "Please stop falling asleep in class or I'll have to start giving you detention, Mr. Kim."

"Yes Ms. Lee. I'm sorry." Woah... his voice is deep but it's somewhat soothing and silky? A voice you'd be able to listen to all day.

He looks over at me for a second and looks confused. Probably because he was asleep while I was being introduced to everyone so to him, all of a sudden there's a random stranger next to him once he wakes up. I'd be confused too.

He looks away and focuses on Ms. Lee's lecture. The bell rings after about an hour and I start packing up my things.

"Namjoon, why do you keep falling asleep? Are you not getting enough sleep?" Jisoo asked the boy, who apparently is named Namjoon. She seemed close to him.

"I'm fine, Jisoo. You don't need to worry about me." Namjoon responds coldly and walks out of class.

I was confused over what just happened but just ignored it because it's none of my business. I walked out of class and waited for Yoongi because he said he didn't want me to get lost.

"Mina!" Yoongi called out to me as he walked towards me. "How was your first class?"

"It was good. Everyone seemed nice." I didn't tell him what happened because I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it and I didn't want him to worry.

He walked me to my next class. Namjoon was here too. The teacher introduced me again and this time Namjoon was awake. I ended up getting seated next to him again. As I was on my way to my seat though, someone tripped me. I heard a scoff followed by "Fatty." Everyone laughed. "Childish." I said but not loud enough for anyone to hear. I just straightened myself up and continued walking to my seat.

I noticed I Namjoon looking at me but he had such a cold and emotionless look on his face. He quickly looked away as soon as there was eye contact and focused on the front of the class. "Weird." I thought and focused on the class as well.

After this class, Yoongi walked me to my next class, again, and then waited for me after that one too.

"I could find my way on my own, Yoongi. I feel bad making you walk me to every class. I'll end up having to owe you something." I laughed and he did too.

He pinches my cheeks and smiles. "Dummy. I want to walk my cousin to class. Don't feel bad. You won't owe me anything." I lightly pinch his arm and he over exaggerates by falling on the floor and holding his arm.

"Okay. But don't complain later. And how many times do I need to tell you? Don't. Pinch. My. Cheeks." I start walking away and hear him yell behind me "Ya! Don't leave me! You don't even know where you're going!" I ignore him and keep walking away. Smiling at how much of a dork he is.


Thank you for reading another chapter. This one was a bit boring... sorry about that😅 I'll post the next one in about 2-3 days.
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Side note:
HIXTAPE will be dropped this week on March 2nd and I am not ready at all. After so many years he will finally bless our ears and souls with his mixtape. It's going to be amazing and I'm seriously so proud of him for all his hard work. ♥️

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