Chapter 1

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I heard screaming and yelling just as we were about to leave. They weren't just girly screams like some of the girls would do here as if they saw a spider. No, these were screams of hurt and sounded like they were coming from an adult. I rushed to where I heard the screams a froze dead in my spot.

"Anthony!" I heard as I felt someone shake my arm trying to get my attention.

"Anthony." I heard again getting me out of my daze. I looked in front of me seeing the big brown eyes of the girl that I've known majority my whole life.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." She looked at me in concern, but then slid a paper to me.

"I hope you're thinking about what classes to take, because I have no idea." She said sighing in frustration making me laugh.

"You don't even need to go to school in the first place, smarty-pants." I said poking her forehead. Which was true, with her intellect she'd wipe the floor with everyone here anyway.

"I would like to go to school and act like a normal teenager. Plus, who's gonna be there to keep you in check." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"No one. I don't need to be 'kept in check' I'm not a fucking five-year-old." I insisted, but of course she wasn't gonna take that.

"You act like one. Now, pick something." She said pointing at the sheet in front of me. I rolled my eyes and looked it over.

"They all sound pretty lame." I said looking up at her. She looked back at me clearly not approving of my answer.

"Just pick something." I slid the paper back to her.

"Why don't you pick, and I'll just pick the same." I said resting my chin on my hand.

"Because, you have an opinion too, ya know?" I rolled my eyes once more.

"AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, Computer Science A, US History, Psychology, Studio Art, and Japanese Language and Culture." She looked at me and then looked at the paper.

"Those are all advanced classes." I raised my eyebrow at her.

"And? It's not like it would be hard for you anyway. You wanted me to pick, so I did." I said looking around the many up and coming juniors doing the same.

"I want to take gym. It will keep me at the top of my game for work."

"Well, you do that. I'm not doing any physical labor that I don't have to. Just take out Psychology or Japanese language."

"You're taking it and your Japanese."

"I'm half Japanese and half Hispanic for your information. Besides, are you saying that just because I'm part Japanese I automatically know how to speak Japanese?" I said raising my eye brow and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please. You know it's true."

"So, What? They don't need to know that. Plus I want an easy class. As for you it's not like you need psychology and Japanese language anyway. I'm sure you can read people like a book with ease and it would be entirely too easy for you to learn the Japanese language." She looked at me and smiled.

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