Chapter 2

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I woke to the sound of blaring music. I groaned and sat up running my hands through my hair.

"What the fuck is that?" I said to myself, but then realized who's house I was in. I knew she got up super early on the school days, so she could get some exercise in beforehand. I never understood why, considering she would always take gym class. I sighed and got out of bed heading in the direction of the loud music. It led me to down stairs in her training room. I opened the door and peeked in seeing she was there, listening to hard rock music, and working her way on the treadmill. I just stood there watching her and waiting for her to feel my presence. When she didn't after a few seconds, I managed to push my essence over to her to make me more noticeable. She stopped mid-run and looked back at me. I smiled a bit and waved. She turned the music off and got off the treadmill.

"You are incredibly creepy." She spoke breathing a bit heavy.

"Good morning to you, too." I said sarcastically.

"Good morning, Anthony." She said sighing and rolling her eyes.

"I see you like to wake up the whole entire neighborhood with your blaring devil music." She looked at me not amused.

"Please, you listen to the same music I do. Besides, this house in sound proof. No one outside can hear it." I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously, the walls aren't sound proof or else I wouldn't be hearing it and waking me up at 4 o'clock in the morning." She sighed.

"I'm sorry." I reached out and touched the top of her head.

"You can make it up to me with breakfast." I said with a smile causing her to roll her eyes again.

"Like I said before. I am not your fucking maid."

"What is wrong with me loving your cooking?" She threw a towel over her shoulder.

"It is when you act like I'm gonna do it whenever you say so." She walked out the room with me following her.

"I don't tell you, I ask." She scoffed clearly calling bullshit.

"Then, what was that just now? I didn't hear a please or thank you or even a question mark in that sentence." When she's right, she's right.

"Can you please make some breakfast, Princess? I could really go for your cooking right about now." She just continued walking without saying anything. I followed her until she reached the bathroom. "Please, Princess."

"Alright, Alright. I'll make breakfast. Let me take a damn shower first." She said shutting the door in my face. I laughed a bit and walked into the living room. We didn't have to be at school for another few hours and I didn't plan on actually getting dressed until that time. I sat on the couch relaxing my body and closed my eyes.

"M-Make it stop!" I begged not wanting to feel this pain anymore. It was like fire and flames running through my veins. It was as if venom from a snake was working its way through my body. The pain was paralyzing and agonizing.

"Anthony." I opened my eyes seeing her brown ones staring back at me. "I'm sorry I woke you up. Why don't you go back to sleep for a few hours" I sat back and waved it off.

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