7: Off to the Underground City

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"Yo! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" called Mr. Maret from downstairs, completely awake and ready for the day.

Cedric rubbed his eyes, forgetful of the nightmare from his slumber. He sat up in bed, not a single ray of sunshine casting through the blinds, but the subtle patter of raindrops against the city sidewalk.

He pushed off the red fleece blankets and stood out of the bed. Cedric let out a sigh, aware that he'll have to change out of his comfy nightshirt, and into his usual attire.

He plodded over to the mahogany dresser and opened the middle of three drawers. He took out a bright sleeveless red shirt with a high collar and one black stripe descending down the middle, and opened the drawer just below it and took out a pair of dark brown pants. He quickly changed, fastening the trousers with a brown belt (the left side of the belt was embellished with several leaves and herbs, probably for potions, but most likely a simple accessory). Cedric put on his black boots, tied the laces, and took one last look in the mirror. Letting out a yawn, Cedric drove a comb through his brown hair, making a fruitless attempt to tame it. After putting the final touches on his look, he slowly walked out of his bedroom, down the clattering stairs, and to the kitchen.

Of course, he was the last one there. Wait, no, he wasn't. Talori still wasn't downstairs yet.

"Sit, sit. I've prepared some breakfast!" Mr. Maret joyfully sang, practically dancing around the rustic kitchen as he cooked.

Cedric sat down at his usual place at the table.

"Good morning," Felix smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. His hair was neatly brushed into his usual side part, and he was wearing his (always dirty) patchwork cloak. His forest green tunic sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, and his leather boots were laced up accordingly. His denim pants were torn in some places, yet still presentable, and for once his face was washed.

"Morning," Cedric muttered, taking a sip of the green tea already put out for him.

Leonidas merely gave him an acknowledged nod, taking a sip of black coffee. His navy, shoulder-length hair was in its usual middle part and thoroughly brushed. His long, sleek, black coat stretched from a high neckline to the floor, with sleeves also pushed up to his elbows. He wore a tan shirt underneath, as well as black pants. However, his iron boots looked as if they belonged to a suit of armor, and stood out within his lax appearance. The final detail was his gemless pendant, a gold casing devoid of a jewel. No one knew why, but Leonidas seemed to always wear it.

"You have your weapons packed, correct?" Mr. Maret asked, "I've heard Durak has a lot of crime."

"My bow is right next to my satchel," Felix said.

"I've got my magic," Cedric followed.

"Right here," Leonidas held up his necklace, causing strange looks to appear on the boys' faces.

"Say what?" Felix questioned, clearly confused.

"I can't do it now cause it won't fit in this room. My pendant can transform into a mace..."

"Oh, that's cool," Cedric exclaimed blankly, not amazed by simple transformations. He was always immune to magical phenomenon. It was all normal to him.

Suddenly, a frantic thudding resonated from the stairwell, as Talori appeared at the table, "I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"Don't worry, it's still early," Mr. Maret said, placing some tea on the table for her.

Talori's hair was styled exquisitely into barrel curls, pouring over her delicate shoulders. Her white lace blouse draped off her shoulders and was cinched at her waist by her everyday golden belt (literally she wore it every day and no one knew why). Long, silk, baby blue pants reached the floor, creating the illusion of a maxi skirt. She wore white wedges, along with her thick golden anklets and arm braces.

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