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     "What do we do?" I was shocked at the fact that they found us. We haven't even been here that long.

     "It's okay, just put your head down and hold my hand. Don't say anything to them, okay?"

     I nodded as he held out his hand for me to hold.

     As soon as our hands touched, I felt something. I don't know what I felt, but it was exciting.

     We walked towards the glass doors to open them, and as soon as the doors were barely open, paparazzi swarmed to us, yelling and asking questions.

     "Are you cheating on Olivia, Grayson?"

     "Is this your new girlfriend?"

     "Did you all got back from a date?"

     Left and right, all I heard were people yelling in my face, but nonetheless, I kept my pace with Grayson hand in hand whilst keeping my head towards the ground.

     After pushing through everyone, we finally got to Grayson's car. I quickly opened the car door and hopped in swiftly, as Grayson did the same.

     I looked out of the window, and saw that a few of the cameramen were making their way towards the car. But before they were even two feet away, Grayson quickly sped off, leaving them standing there.

     "How the fuck did they know we were here?" I asked, still oblivious as to how they can do that.

     "Paparazzi are hanging out everywhere. One of them probably saw us walk in," he answered, still keeping his eyes on the road.

     "There are going to be more at the office too," I added, dreading having to go through that again.

     Before he could answer, Grayson's phone buzzed. When he hit a stop light, he looked at the text.

     His face went automatically cold and annoyed, as he quickly texted back, and then put his phone back down to start driving again.

     "It will be alright. Just ignore their questions," his tone was obviously different, as he sounded angry or aggravated.

     "Why were they asking about Olivia?" I wondered, as they asked a lot if we were dating or if he was cheating on Olivia.

     "Paparazzi just assume shit like that, don't worry about it," he reassured me, still with a different sound to his voice.

     Grayson seemed really tense. The whole ride back was silent and I noticed Grayson's jaw kept clenching as he had his head on the road the whole drive.


We soon arrived back at the office after a long, awkward silence.

After pulling into the parking lot quickly and turning off the engine, he turned his head towards me.

"When we get to the paparazzi, just do the same thing we did at the cafe," he seemed annoyed, but not at me. I'll have to ask him when we get inside.

I nodded my head and got out of the car. I walked around to meet him to go inside.

He grabbed my hand and started walking around the building towards the entrance.

As we walked around the corner, i saw a huge group of people turn towards us, holding huge cameras and microphones.

Nonetheless though, Grayson and I kept walking, while I kept in mind the things he told me to do.

Keep your head down. Don't answer them. Ignore their comments.

As we started walking through the huge group of cameramen, they started asking the same questions I was asked the last time.

As we finally came to the entrance to the building, I saw Eloise standing there holding the door open for us to walk in.

We quickly ran in with Eloise trailing behind us, making sure none of the paparazzi sneak into the building.

"Valen, I need to talk to you for a minute please," Eloise called for me. I nodded my head and turned towards Grayson.

"Go ahead to my office, I need to talk to Eloise for a sec."

Grayson nodded his head emotionless, and started walking towards the elevators.

"Come with me to my office, it shouldn't take long," Eloise starting making her way towards her office, as I followed quickly behind.

We soon arrived at her office in no time, as she beckoned for me to sit across from her.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your coffee 'date' with Grayson, but I thought you might want to hear this," she continued, "Darren Park, Ford Models' CEO, wants to have a dinner meeting with you,"

"Is Ford Models' Grayson's modeling agency?" I asked with a hopeful tone.

"Indeed it is. Grayson has apparently said many nice things about your work and Darren wanted to meet with you and talk about your future,"

This would be an amazing chance for my career. I could finally get my name out there, and maybe host a fashion show.

I had a huge toothy grin plastered on my face I could not pry off, as I was so excited to be given this chance.

     "When does he want to have the meeting?"

     "He told me to tell you to call him to set up a time," she said, writing down a number on a sticky note and handing it to me.

     I took it and thanked her for telling me, and made my way out of her office to the elevators.

     I walked out of the elevator and walked into my office, and saw Grayson sitting in his usual seat, looking through his phone.

     When he heard me walk in, he looked up and smiled, but his smile didn't look as genuine as they usually are.

     I sat down in my sewing desk chair and turned towards him.

     "What's wrong? You seemed annoyed and tense in the car," I decided to continue working on his clothes, so I didn't have to make direct eye contact with him.

     "Nothing's wrong, I don't know why you would think that," again, he sounded annoyed, but tense as well.

     I'm going to figure out what's wrong with him if it's the last thing I do.

     "Whatever," I said, annoyed. Maybe if I brush him off he'll tell me.

     "Nothing's wrong, damnit!" He rolled his eyes at me.

     "Something's obviously fucking wrong if you're yelling at me and rolling your eyes. But if you want to be a dick about it, fine. I thought we were becoming good friends and then all of a sudden you start to act like an asshole!" I yelled back, more angry and annoyed than before.

     I did absolutely nothing wrong to him, and he acts like this.

     "I only yelled at you because you keep asking me and I keep telling you the same thing!" He got up from his seat to gather his things, and soon walked to the door and opened it quickly.

     But before he left, he turned around towards me, with an angry face. Brows furrowed together, jaw clenched, and lips pursed.

     "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye,"

     And with that, he closed the door surprisingly quietly, and left me alone in my office; angry and confused as ever.

aye if any of y'all reading this dm me because I don't have many online friends on here. I swear I'm a nice person. Okay? okay.

-1170 words

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