Part 1

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The beautiful night was filled with the chatter of the townsfolk as they wandered the streets of the festival. There was laughter and joy and you could feel the happiness emitting from everyone. Though, there was a certain coldness settling on one corner of the town. A coldness that would change someone's life forever. As the festival went on, no one was there too watch what was about to unfold; except for the two people that confronted each other.

"I got the money, leaving as fast as I can now."

"No, no one is around."

"Yes I'm almost gone, just turning one las-" The voice was cut off as he rounded the corner, walking right into me.

"Watch where you're going!" I growled out venomously.

The man looked shocked but as I got up he quickly moved towards me and I felt something enter my chest as he quickly rushed by me. Looking down slowly to my chest I saw the shiny black handle of the dagger that had me carelessly impaled into me. I turned to look at the man, smiling as I pulled the knife out of my chest, "Was that supposed to hurt?" The look on my face was probably one of a psycho but I didn't care.

As I slowly pulled the dagger out of my chest I watched the man's eyes widen with horror. "Y-you should be dieing. What the hell girl!!"

"No," I stated, irritated at his antics, "I shouldn't be dieing. I am doing exactly what I should be."

I could feel the blood dripping out of my wound but it would heal over soon. They always did. As I started walking towards the man, the beautiful bloody dagger in hand, he started to stagger backwards like a fearful child; afraid of being hurt.

I was almost right in front of the man when suddenly that look of fear on his face turned to that of smugness. I stopped in my tracks confused and just as I started to turn around I felt one hand go around my mouth silencing me and the other wrapped around my waist, holding me in place. "Thank god boss, I thought I was done for." The first man laughed uneasily but still had a smirk on his face.

"Why would you let a petite girl like this stop you from doing your job?" The gruff voice from behind me spoke. He did not seem happy at all.

"Well, uh, you see boss. She has my dagger. I stabbed her but nothing happened!" The man spoke quickly as if trying to not upset the man holding me.

I took that as my chance and hooked my left leg back around his leg aiming for his knee. I was too slow. The man, just as I was about to pull my leg forward, threw me over his shoulder. Effectively stopping me from knocking him down. In retaliation I threw my body around hoping he would drop me but instead i felt something jab into my leg. I froze shocked as I felt something cold enter where i was stabbed.

"This better do the job or i just might have to kill you." I heard from behind me.

"Nathan," I was guessing the man was addressing the one who stabbed me in the chest, "Next time i assign a job to you, I expect you to do it right. Though you did find something worth the research." his voice turned to sounding slightly intrigued near the end. Though their talking started to be hushed as my eyes slowly started to close; I was losing consciousness and I did not like that at all. Throwing one last hit to the man's back I felt my eyes close and everything around me went silent.


I was cold.It was dark and I was cold. My body felt heavy; what happened to me. I tried opening my eyes but when I did, only blackness came to my view. I growled in frustration as I went to lift me hands but found the ability to do so, to no availability.

"Well well, looks like the little bird is awake." I heard that infuriating voice from somewhere in the darkness.

"What do you want." I growled out, not liking the situation I was in.

"You my dear are just like me." I felt his voice close to me now.

"Let me go, why is it so dark." I mumbled the last part.

"I don't feel like it," he stated, " I can however, help with the darkness."

As he said that I felt a cloth loosen from around my eyes and a moment later a singular light was turned on, blinding me. My eyes immediately began searching for the irritating man. Zoning in on the man leaning against the white wall to my right near a door, I immediately decided that he was someone i loathe. The smug look on his face irritated to me to no end and the way he just leaned there. I decided that I was furious. Though, I kept my emotions in check and asked him innocently, "Don't you feel guilty? Like, at all? You've just kidnapped a girl with no reason." I asked in the softest voice I could muster at the moment.

The man burst out laughing, "I don't have time to feel guilty darling and neither do you. So I suggest you drop the innocent act." He sobered up at the end of the sentence. His face switching to a look of neutrality.

I glared at the man as we strode towards me. The next words that came out of his mouth were words that deemed me speechless.

"Now, Tylan, why is it that we have found you here and not in your homeland." He stated.

I hadn't heard someone speak my name since I left. I never stayed in one place so the fact that he knew my name shocked me. "How do you know my name?" I spoke, my guard was now up more than before.

The next words he spoke were ones anyone would say, "That is for me too know and you to find out my dear Tylan." I swear he was saying my name now just to annoy me. Sadly, it worked.

I glared at the infuriating man as he knelt down at the foot of where i was stuck. He grabbed a collar and chain and dragged them over to me. Latching the collar and chain around my neck, he then reached for my wrists and unlatched the cuffs encircling them. "I am keeping you chained here until further notice. You will not leave and will be brought your meals three times a day, are we understood." His neutral face spoke with almost a mocking tone.

As he made his way towards the door now, hands in his pockets, I let out a growl of complete anger and went to run after him; ready to show him who's boss. Though when i was just behind him about to launch myself the collar around my neck jerked me back. I grabbed at the chain and yanked at in pure displeasure. I heard the man let out a laugh as the door opened. "See you in a bit, little bird." he stated humorously as the door shut, sealing my fate.



How is it? This is all I have written at the moment but please let me know what you think.

Word Count: 1250

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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