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I DID say I was going to do the drawing of Lee right?

Well, I didn't do it guys. Sorry...




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Name: Lee IkuZe Akasuki

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Name: Lee IkuZe Akasuki

Gender: Female

Age: Prefer not to tell

Why you shouldn't mess with her coolness: She is a strong swords woman and has powerful kicks

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Hobbies: Plays piano and drums and does art

Favorite color(not in order): Black, White, Green, Blue, purple and red

Favorite food: Anything simple

Favorite songs(not in order): Angel with a Shotgun, My Escape, Flügel, Crossing World, Crossing world (Kuro Solo Cover)What's your name, Akashi, Not Fragile Love, Who is coming, uninvited?

Favorite producer/DJ: Waterflame

Favorite bands: Skillet, OLDCODEX and The Cab

Favorite Show: Servamp

Favorite Servamp: All of them(mostly Kuro)

Favorite Eve: Licht Jekylland Todoroki

Favorite C3 member: Tsurugi Kamiya

Favorite subclass: Sakuya Watanuki

Creator: IkuZgirl

I needed her to wear a proper outfit because in ROBLOX I always change it.

She is a Kuudere

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