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Chase: Ooh what do we have here? A REQUEST!!

Others: ??


Chase: Pfft...hahahahahahaha

Shows it to Lee

Lee: Lol

Others: Whats so funny?

Chase: This dare is for...drumroll please

Drums and cymbal sound

Chase: LICHT!

Licht: What...

Chase: From The_Amazing_Panda_Girl, I dare Licht to play at a kids park and act like a child

Chase: And when I mean "play" I mean playing the equipment there or going down the slide...

Licht: I guess it's not to ba-


Licht: WHAT?!!!!!

Mahiru: Oh wow

Everyone else: ...

Chase: Too bad Ren couldn't join us today

Lee: Yeah I know

Chase: Anyways, Licht your dare starts...NOW!

Licht: Fine, I guess I'll be going then

Licht leaves

Chase: Let's stalk him

Lee: Totes agree

Licht goes to the park and starts playing...the piano instead.

Chase:*Video tapes the entire thing*

Lee: He is not really doing the dare though...

Lawless: No fair! Licht-tan isn't doing what he was supposed to do!

Chase: Shut up Lawless!!


~Time skip, brought to you by Jeje~

Licht: I'm home

Chase: HEY YOU!

Licht: What?

Chase: You didn't do the dare right!

Licht: Prove it

Chase shows the video

Licht: Uhh...

Chase: You better do it right tomorrow!

Licht: Fine

~Time skip, brought to you Ren~

Ren: It's morning. I guess everyone else is asleep

Ren hears footsteps

Ren: ?

At the lounge roommm

Licht: I hope no one heard me

Ren: What is he doing?

Licht leaves

Ren: I'm...gonna stalk

~Time skip, brought to you by random person~

Ren: My god what is he doing

Licht starts playing on the equipment and stuff

Ren: He does act like a child after all

After, Licht acted like a child

Ren: (Chuckle)

Tetsu: Oh, Ren is here

Lee: Hey Ren! Whatcha doing

Ren: Look*points at Licht*

Mahiru: Yes he did it!

Kuro: Yeah

Others: All right!

Licht: Huh?

Others: (Whispers)Oh crap! That was too loud!

Licht finds the others

Licht o///o

Others: ...

Licht: What. Are. You. Doing. HERE

Chase: Just checking if you did the dare

Licht: ...

Lee: Ren stalked you pretty much

Ren: That was a dare?

Licht: How could you...*about to kick Ren*

Chase: Woah woah remember she wasn't with us?

Licht: Oh...sorry

Licht: Anyways, can we end the dare the kids are staring at me!

Others: Ok...

~Time skip, brought to you by Hugh~

Chase: That was funny lol...

Lawless: I recorded some of it

Licht: Hyde...

Lawless: Uhh...


Violence continues

Ren: Oh well...(chuckles)


That's all for the truth or dare! This idea(especially the stalking parts)is from The_Amazing_Panda_Girl. But I added a bit extra.

Thank you The_Amazing_Panda_Girl! For all the request thank you!!

Others: No thanks

Be quiet! She's my friend!

Others: WHAT?! FRIEND?!

Oh dear...(chuckles)


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