Levi x badass!reader

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Your POV

Now being edited for her to be less of a Mary sue LOL.

I was stuck in the filthy underground. I stole three different pairs of 3DM gear, killed four MPs, stole, murdered civilians, and commited so many other unforgivable crimes. The scouting legion had just cornered me. I was stuck on the ground, barely conscious. My ears were ringing, a man, shorter than the rest, just kicked me right in the head. Nice.

"Never go for the head, the victim gets all fuzzy, they can't feel what you're about to do next." He kicked me in the ribs this time.
(If you understood this reference, I also have a dark knight joker book on the way!)

"That's gonna leave a mark.." I whispered.

"Levi! Enough." A deeper voice spoke. The man named Levi backed away.

"I've seen what you can do. If you'd be able to use that for good and help us fight for humanity, you'll be rewarded." A blonde haired man offered.

"What's in it for me?" Since my hands were tied behind my back, I used my shoulder to wipe the blood from my lips.

"You'll be able to live above ground, have decent meals every day, and be able to roam inside of the walls." Anything is better than the underground. Without a second thought, I agreed.

Finally, the start to a new life.

Timeskip to arriving at HQ.

Levi walked me into their Headquarters, introducing me to anyone who walked by. He didn't show any emotion compared to the other cadets who cowered in fear, saluted, or offered an awkward hello.

My clothes were torn from the fight earlier, running away from them was an idiotic move on my part, if I had known about their offer I wouldn't have lead them on such a chase.

Levi and I avoided eye contact along the way. He guided me towards a door near the end of the corridor.

"Thank god its clean. The underground was a filthy shithole." I plopped down onto the bed, sighing as it sunk beneath me. The beds in the underground were filthy and hard, this was a nice change.

Levis POV

(Y/N) and I shared most of the same interests, the main being cleanliness. I could also relate to her, us both being from the underground and offered spots in the scouting legion.

I brought her to the mess hall, as it was empty. Everyone was out training, and some were on expeditions.

"Want me to make some tea?" I asked.

"I would love that." She replied. She isn't as bad as at first.
We sat down and talked for a bit, drinking tea. I learned that I was only a bit older than her, and she lost a few friends as well.

"I better get going Levi, I'm exhausted from today. But it's great to know I'm not the only one from the underground." She walked back to her room.

I walked to Hanji's lab, getting her to find a uniform for (Y/N). She gave me the uniform and I walked off, ignoring her rant about titans.

I knocked on the door to find (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. I put her uniform on her desk, and blew out the candle that was lit.

Time skip

Your POV

I woke up to the sunlight, which I was glad to finally see. I had trouble putting the uniform on, with all the straps and everything.

I walked to the mess hall where Levi had said to go for breakfast, and sat with him.
"Looks who's finally up." Hanji smiled. Levi had talked about the mad scientist before.

"You'll start training today, along with other cadets." Levi said, emotionless. I nodded and started to eat.

Time skip

"Today, we test your abilities. You'll be working till sundown. Cadets, this is one of your final trainings before evaluation."Levi explained to the other cadets. He ordered them to get to training and motioned me over. He brought another Corporal over to see the cadets.

"You won't be training with them, considering you're more advanced in 3DMG, but we will still evaluate your skills. Try your hardest in these. First things first is laps."

(i had a fuck ton of people saying they cant run so reader can't really run, in this to stay relatable. Apologies if you are good at track.)

After 7 laps, running from one end of the field to the other, which, being honest, isn't that far, I gave out. Levi recorded it, and helped me up.

"Laps might not be for you, but atleast it isn't something we use often in expeditions. I'm sure your 3DMG ability will balance it out."

"For 3DMG, we have a course set up. Simply 'slay' the titans at the nape, and finish as fast as you can." He helped me into the gear, blushing as he did so.

"Hanji! Time her in this. Let's see how far she will make it." Hanji ran over and nodded, pulling out a stop watch.

"Ready (Y/N)?" She asked. I nodded and she clicked it.

"Go!" She yelled. I went flying into the air, fast and burning little to no gas. I went along my way, looking for titans. I tried to develop a strategy that was easier for me to cut their napes. As soon as no more of the fake titans were spotted, I sent myself flying back. Hanji clicked the watch, her eyes widening.

"You're the first cadet to ever beat Levi's record!" She yelled a bit louder. I looked past them to see the cadets that had collapsed from running, staring at me in disbelief. I smirked, Levi even looked surprised. I checked my gas supply.

"I did burn quite a bit of gas though.." I put it back and took off my gear, carrying it back to HQ.

News that I had beat Levis record was easily spread. He was still humanity's strongest, but I wasn't far behind. As I walked into the mess hall, everyone cheered. I sat with a few cadets at a table. They introduced themselves, and so did I. There was Jean, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Krista, Ymir and Marco. 

A while after Lunch, I was called to Levis office.

As I walked there, I wondered what it could be. Had I done something wrong? I shut the door behind me as I walked in.

"(L/N), you've proven yourself today. I know you've only been here for less than twenty four hours, but we're moving you to Levi Squad. Youve proven yourself a worthy leader, and having you here can do us a lot of good" He came closer to me, our faces inches apart.

"But there's something different about you. You aren't like the other women here. You don't flirt with every man you see, and you're not completly insane. You're quiet, mysterious and beautiful. Other men have been talking about trying to get with you, but I'd like to know if you'll be mine."
I closed the gap by pushing my lips on his.

"Does that answer your question?" I smirked.

"Yep, but I think I'll need another to make sure." I kissed him again, except a deeper kiss.

Requests are back open.
Do you want a lemon part 2 of this?

the end is dog shit im sorry

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