Chapter 21 (Old)

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We walked in to see Yuki lieing to her 'father'. "Oh father, I couldn't do anything expect watch as she was beating me" she fake cried. I was so pissed. "Why you little bitch...are you done telling him lies cause I'm happy to tell him what really happened" I said trying not to kill her. Cross sighed. "Kaname, did you see anything?" looking at Kaname. "Yes I did. (Y/n) didn't start anthing, Yuki did" I smirked. 'Take that bitch'. The headmaster looking at Yuki. "Yuki, the school is very dirty and as punishment, you are to clean it" Yuki got up shocked. "B-But that will take forever" Cross sighed once again. "Then you better get started" Yuki stomped off. "Headmaster, am I free to go?" I asked eyeing the door. "You're free to go" right after he said that I ran out the door, happy to leave.

This Can't Be Real(Zero X Reader X Kaname) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now