We need to talk

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Ok, we need to talk. I've been running back round checks on anyone that asked for a ship or anyone with a very negative opinion on a ship page. What I've found didn't really surprise. What I found was these people would go to other writers shipping story's and they start calling out for how terrible they are for liking that. Now guys let people ship what they like. Who cares if it's cannon or not, let people have fun. You don't have to like that ship, just skip it and move on. I hate seeing writers getting bashed on their work form some group who can't just let it go. Also I now not all of you do this and some of you just help with little errors in a stories or ship. So, I just want to get that off my chest, please feel free to ship what ever you want.

Keep being great guys and have a good day!
WW41 out~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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