Chapter 1: The Infection

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My life huh? Well my life consists of secrecy. And boy is there a lot of it! I'm a Keeper. Keepers are basically the house cleaners for Hunters and Huntresses. We clean up what they mess up... EYYYYYY!!!!! That rhymed! Anyways carrying on.

My job is to secure relics that are left behind in battle and either dispose of them or take them to a research lab. Although this current job has become a problem...

I was clearing some ruble using the help of my Semblance: Levitation! I removed some ruble to see if there was anything interesting, and what I found was something alright. Under the ruble I found a blue bug looking thing...

 Under the ruble I found a blue bug looking thing

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I picked it up examining it. It looked ancient and yet futuristic at the same time. An odd thing it was, the weirdest thing is that it had a slight gravitational pull to it. Something was telling me to put it on my arm. I was about to until I heard a voice and put the object into my pocket of my trench coat.

"Found anything yet No. 1?" No.5 asked peering over Y/n's shoulder.

"Nothing yet, I'll keep you posted. Also stop being so damn inquisitive!" I said turning at him with a glare.

"S-Sorry sir." He stuttered out before turning around.

He ran off as I mumbled under my breath.

"Damn Newbie..." 

~Time skip~

I flopped onto my stomach face first onto my bed. This job takes a lot of energy and use of semblance so I was absolutely drained. I was currently in my dorm room at Beacon, I'm more or less the grounds keeper of this Combat School. Ozpin was an amazing friend, took care of me for most of my life. And I'm only 18! 

I looked at the mirror seeing my H/C hair as well as my well toned body, my E/C eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. I laid on my bed once more taking off my shirt. Slumber took me over.

No ones POV:

The Scarab sensed a host and it sprung into action. It hopped out of the pocket it was carried in and crawled its way across the carpeted floor. It made Its way up the bed post and scuttled along the caramel sheets. The host turned over exposing its back. The Scarab made its limbs sharp as it pounced latching itself onto its prey. Its razor limbs piercing through the skin of it victim bonding with the host.


I shot awake in my bed. I looked out the window seeing it was morning time. I walked towards the bathroom cleansing the sweat off my face. I stood up straight feeling something off. I had a sharp pain in my back. I turned my back to the mirror and looked back.

THAT THING WAS ON MY BACK!!! I tried to rip it off but it wouldn't budge. I started to freak out, I tried to use My semblance on it, but to no avail. 

"How the hell did you even get ON!?" I cried out.

At that moment the bug started to glow as a fabric flowed out from it incasing my body like an Iron suit. I was freaking out trying to stop it. I backed up too close to the window as I fell out. The armor had fully clothed my figure as I plummeted to the ground. 

"Primary Objective: Protect the host." A disembodied voice sounded out within my head. 

I felt no control over my body as Wings extended from my back as wind caught them mid fall. The lifted me and slowed my desent. I still hit the ground with some force kicking up dust and leaving a crater.

When the dust cleared I saw some students moving towards me to see what had happened

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When the dust cleared I saw some students moving towards me to see what had happened. The moment the dust cleared they readied their weapons seeing my figure. The sneered seeing me, I looked at myself in the window next to me seeing what I have become. I looked absolutely... BADASS!!! I looked at myself. The suit was so intricate, so light. I saw in the reflection students started to move towards me with their weapons.

I spun around wishing I had a sword, and low-and-behold my arm transformed into one. It looked amazing with a slight curve to the Blue Blade. Yup I'm calling it The Blue Blade.

The kids looked shocked.

"Detecting hostile intent. I suggest we incinerate them with extreme prejudice." The voice spoke inside my head.

"What the hell, who are you?" I questioned confusing the students.

"The hell are you talking about freak?" A student shouted from within the crowed.

"I am the scarab attached to your back." It said with a tone of snark. "We have bonded together. I am the source of your suit and your powers. What you think, I control the suit to make it real."

"So you did this to me!" I shouted turning slightly to the side.

"What!? No we didn't." Another student sounded out. "We don't even know who you are!"

"We need to exterminate the vermin." The scarab said as my vision turned red as a heads up display came into view. "Take them out with a high level Laser beam." 

"What no!" I shouted slightly concerned with how aggressive this parasite was. 

"Ok that's enough! Everybody weapons down, now!" Ozpin said slightly raising his voice.

All the students put their weapons down. I looked to see Ozpin standing there with a relaxed yet alert demeanor. 

"Now sir, I need to ask. Who are you, and where did you come from?" He questioned taking a sip of his coffee almost without a care in the world.

"Ozzie! It's me Y/N, something I found yesterday latched itself onto my back, please I need help!" I said with a voice of distress. "I don't know how to switch it OFF!"

And just like that the suit retracted. Revealing the real me in sweatpants and no shirt.

I looked behind me seeing the reflection of my normal self. Although I did notice my figure had gotten more muscular some how. I was shocked to see how much of an absolute UNIT I became overnight. I saw something else. Someone was pointing something at me. This something fired and a dart hit my neck. I saw Glynda Goodwitch come out of the crowd. 

"Always wanted to do that." She said with a smug grin on her face. She kind of looked hot

And with that the world around me went dark.

~Somewhere else~

"Sir, it seems the Blue Scarab has found a host. What do we do now?" A voice queried as the clicking sounds of a computer was heard. 

"We wait, the pieces are set." Said another voice, slightly deeper. "All we need now is to find a viable energy source to give me my strength back. Once we've done that...

No one will stop us..."

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