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I cranked the volume up, screeching the lyrics to "Into You" by Ariana Grande. I looked over at my best friend Lauren's face as she sang, it was bright red and you could see she was proper BELTING the lyrics. Laughter cackled from my mouth as I stared at her, my eyes wrinking up as they filled with tears of laughter.
"I'M SO INTO Y-" she yelled before catching my gaze and she joined me laughing hysterically at her own antics.

We continued our "disco" as we called it - it was more of a; let's-turn-the-lights-off-and-shove-on-fairy-lights-and-some-music - but it was still immensely fun, though I couldn't dance for shit. After a few hours, we were panting and our faces were Scarlett from our dance workout. Lauren checked her watch and I WISH I could've photographed the expression on her face as she realised it was gone 10pm! With that, Lauren grabbed her belongings and made her way safely back to her house.

Once Lauren had left, all the evidence she had been here was the tip of a living room I had remaining in my appartment. I rolled my eyes and tidied it up before slumping down on the sofa and checking my social media. I'd recently gained 10k followers on instagram and it simply seemed to keep growing bigger! I was beyond happy with the progress I'd made. I picked out an image from that day and posted it with the caption "Crystal Town". That was the name of my first ever album I was going to be bringing out soon, none of my followers knew about it yet. I smiled to myself as I straight away saw confused - yet excited - comments appearing on the post. I liked them and replied to them before shutting off my phone and heading off to sleep for the night. Who knew what tomorow May bring?

Sup I hope that made sense and that u enjoyed, dw it'll get more juicy this is just an opening.

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