Empty Shell

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My eyes opened my body in extreme pain I tried moving but my hands and feet were strapped to some kind of chair. I panicked trying to get out of it, I couldn't feel Kira's presence in the room which made my heart race more. Struggling and screaming his name got me nowhere that physio has me strapped in here, after I stopped moving I realized the bracelet that's always on my wrist wasn't there. My heart sank my eyes widened it felt my head hung low, fear bringing tears to the surface. "Kira"

"Dammit!" This is exactly how I didn't want to act, I can't let the doctor know I'm agitated I can't show him fear. But I can't help it I can't control how I'm feeling. The sound of the door opening took me out of my thoughts making my body freeze and my eyes permanently stare at the floor. "You're awake" The doctor's voice echoed his voice, serious and deep he laughed getting rid of the serious tone, his voice changing often like he was more than one person. When he got closer I lost it, my head shot up staring him directly in the eyes even though he couldn't look me in mine and see the fear that resides in them "What did you do to Kira!?"

"You don't need to worry about that, I don't know why you care for him he only values his own life he'd want you dead if it saved himself" he laughed "that's not, true" I said "Oh but it is, just why do you think he's not here, trying to save you?" Like before he found the perfect words to sweep away my emotions. I sat back staring at the black blood that covered my body "You're filthy" He grabbed a bucket that was filled with water and with no hesitation poured it on me. The water was ice cold it left my body shivering and the bandages drenched.

"Now let us begin" he laughed throwing the bucket across the room. He grabbed my hair pulling my head back then let two eye drops fall into my eyes. "I want you to see your own blood pour onto the floor since I can't see it for myself" he let go pushing my head forward.

I kept my head down not wanting to look him in the eye I couldn't see what he had in his hand but I could feel it cut a straight line down my thigh making me hiss in pain he pushed it deeper and moved it slower forcing me to grind my teeth. "You may be a demon but you can still feel pain so that you don't go unconscious count up by two's if I don't hear you counting I'll force your eyes open and stick needles in them." He laughed twisting a pair of scissors in his hand. right after finishing his sentence I felt the scissors that he held pierce straight through my hand.

The pain was too intense the only way my body could react is with a loud scream, but it helped nothing, the only thing it did was amuse the doctor "I don't hear you counting" My hand twitched uncontrollably. "Two~F-four~Six" I stuttered.  My hand and leg numb to the point where I couldn't even feel my own blood flow down them. "Eight-" I had to take deep breaths to get used to the pain but the doctor quickly caught on to what I was doing and pushed the scissors further in my hand "Ten, Twelve!" 

my body shook because of the cold water and because of the pain. I was filled with anger but since I knew I was going to be stuck here in this chair that anger quickly subsided and I went back to numbed emotions. My breathing went back to normal my heart rate slowed. "fourteen, sixteen, eighteen" I counted quietly. He grabbed a box full of needles he took one and forcefully pushed it into my fingertip. I hissed in pain my body reacting to each needle he forced into my skin. The only thing I could think of was Kira and the fact that he lied to me. I knew I shouldn't have believed him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this situation. "Twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four, twenty-six" I felt each needle go into my skin I could see my discolored blood spill onto the floor just like he wanted.  Even so, I didn't feel a thing, the only thing I felt was emptiness like Kira's spirit left mine. Now I really am empty, I'm a case holding a broken soul. "Twenty-eight, Thirty, Thirty-two" "You're boring me!" He screamed stabbing me in the other leg with a small knife twisting it.

"Thirty-four!" I screamed surprised at how much pain shot through my body. "Thirty-six, thirty-eight!" "There it is!" He laughed pushing it deeper than doing the same thing to my other leg. If I were to get out of here he'd be the first one I'd kill. "How about I tell you a little story before I kill you" he laughed holding a needle inches from my eye. "It's about your kitten." "Forty, forty-two" "He hates being compared to Marco because he hates the truth, he and Marco are the same in many ways their both cruel and they both kill anyone that gets in their way" he stated. "Forty-four, forty-six."

"He's a killer, he's killed more people than I've experimented on, he used to work for Marco whoever he ordered him to kill he did, but that all stopped when he formed a bond with a woman by the name of Alice" My eyes widened when I heard that name. "The story he likes to tell is she's the mother of those children but really she isn't, he saved her from being killed by Marco he took her through the same trials as he took you but the graveyard is where she met her end, she died in such a cruel way, I was lucky enough to experiment on her that's why he doesn't want to get close to any other human, so I can tell you he doesn't care for you in the least." He laughed looking at the work he did. "Forty-four forty-six" "Anything he told you about that women is a lie."

He grabbed a small knife, the same one he used to stab me and began to walk around the chair I sat in. Stopping once he got behind me, then held the knife to my throat "He only cares for himself and no one else, since you care for him so much you won't mind dying in order to keep him alive" he laughed pushing the knife against my neck cutting the bandages and my skin.

"You'll die and no one will remember you, not even your brother"

My brother. His name, what was it? "I don't have a brother" I stated. I don't know what he's talking about I don't have a brother I don't have a family. "Pretending to forget won't help you" He laughed taking the knife away from my throat "Why would I have to pretend? Why does it matter if I am? If you're going to kill me just do it why waste your time talking?" "What are you playing at?" He asked distracted from his original task "If I was playing at anything it wouldn't matter you have the upper hand if you're going to kill me just do it you're wasting precious time." The smile that was once spread across his face was no longer there. 

 It was silent. I said nothing and neither did he we sat there staring at each other the longer I stayed quite the more upset he got. I don't understand, I'm complying with him but he's still not satisfied. "Just kill me! What are you waiting for?!" I goaded. I just want the pain to end this is the chance and it's still not going to happen. "I've been doing this for longer than you were born and I've never--" "I don't care," I said cutting him off "I don't want to hear your backstory just kill me, what's the point of telling me something if I going to die? I won't remember so telling me isn't going to hear you"

"You must really want to die" "Why are you still talking if you want me dead just kill me, you don't care about what Kira wants if you did you would've tried harder to kill me before but instead you have me strapped to this chair defenseless how is this helping Kira?" I sighed.

"You have the chance to get me out of the way, so get it over with" once I said that he laughed which filled me with anger. "Then since you can't kill me I'll just have to kill you" I smiled. I used the needles to cut through the thin restrains "If you're going to hold someone down at least have the proper restraints." the doctor laughed "Wasting time to talk about trivial things can get you killed" "Killing me won't get you out of here" He laughed continuously.

I pull the knife from my leg painlessly then walked slowly towards him each time I got closer he'd backed away "You can't kill me haven't you already learned this" I pinned him against the wall by his neck staring him in the eyes "You can't ki---" With no hesitation I forced the knife he had threw the side of his neck cutting until I got to the middle.

His blood covering me like a water hose. He choked and coughed blood grabbing me as he slid to the floor. I wiped his blood off of my face then walked away from his corps putting the knife in between my belt.  

Even after taking a life I still felt nothing.

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