Misguided guide

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As the doors slowly opened the scenery reveling itself, the building covered in tree vines and mold. Parts of the building shattered falling apart. We must go in this direction" Kira said walking ahead of me, he sounded weak like he was getting sick again. He walked slowly his legs shaking showing how weak he really was.

"Kira your vessel," I said staring at him "I'm fine" I didn't listen to anything he said I looked at the bracelet trying to figure out how I helped him the last time but I couldn't find anything, I kept looking hitting the bracelet. "Do not do it!" he said his sight focused somewhere else "But--" "I said no." He wouldn't let me get another word out, staring at him he looked ready to collapsed his fur not as dark as before. I repeatedly hit the bracelet till the wires shot connecting to Kira's collar. A few seconds after it connected I fell and felt the wounds in my stomach begin to bleed a little but it didn't hurt ass much as it did previously.

Standing up I was able to withstand the pain since my wounds were partially healed but the pain in my stomach wasn't the only pain on my body. I felt a sharp pain in my eye that burning sensation turned into needles I closed my eyes tightly, rubbing them with the palms of my hands. But then the pain just stopped as if it never happened.

Holding my stomach I opened my eyes looking at Kira "What happened?" He was in his other vessel, his human vessel. "Why are you like that again?" I asked his long arms and legs and his other cat-like features made him look less human "My other vessel is healing" he answered walking on all fours as if he was still a cat. While walking Kira stopped looking away from me I could tell there was something on his mind.

"My job is to guide, it is impossible to do so if I can not even guide myself" his voice low he was disappointed in himself I could tell because as he spoke he hung his head low. "I've been feeling like that since I first came here, you'll have to get over that feeling, you feel lost but you can't let it hold you back I've experienced it first hand you'll be okay." Giving him advice only made him more upset. "I am the moderator and the guide I will not be able to do any of those jobs if I am misguided, confused or lost, my job is not to be any of those things." He sounded upset "you're panicking right now" I said my expression blank "What you're doing right now is what you told me not to do, you're showing your emotions" I stated for a second I had a smug look on my face but quickly got rid of it even though I didn't want to. finally, he feels what I feel, he can see the reality I've been living in.

He looked at me annoyed "The way you are feeling when I told you that is the same way I felt when you said it to me, I can't control it and neither can you, so stop complaining" I stated, I felt bad for what I was saying to him but if our situations were flipped he'd say the same thing to me. I find that fact funny as the situations were opposite not too long ago, Kira is changing and I can't tell if this change is good or not but right now his words are predicting the future I can tell that his emotions are getting to him, this won't be the only time that they do. We continued head tense silence lingering Kira's fast pace made it easy to notice how upset he was. I don't understand he would be scolding me if I acted like him, his confusion wasn't the only thing on his mind.

"This is the place we are supposed to be" we stopped in the middle of a cleared out area, no trees, no grass nothing but dry cracked gray dirt.  "What are we looking for?" "Close your right eye" He ordered I did as I was told without any hesitation. As I looked around I didn't see much, what caught my attention was a yellow glow, the glow was faint I could tell it was underground by the way the light shined through the cracks. I walked over to it Kira followed behind me as I pointed to the spot on the ground, "Under here" I stood in front of the light looking down at it. 

I began digging up the dirt Kira sighed then began doing the same right after we found an item in the dry dirt "A pen?" I asked looking at it closer. Confused I turned the pen around examining it more I closed my right eye, that yellow glow came back confirming that this was the object that was meant to be found. "Why would the doctor send us out here for a pen?" I asked looking at Kira "I don't know but we must go to him to get more information "From what I've learned nothing here is ever what it seems." 

AS we walked back Kira didn't speak or look at me it seems like he became less of himself once he became less familiar with the zone he's in. Seeing him like this worried me, he doesn't seem like he'd just give up, hopefully, that's not what happens. After all, he determines the outcome of all of this, misguided or not he's still the guide.

Our lives lie with each other, we can't give up on each other.

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