🚪Your Roomate🚪

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Name: Maria Relen

Age: Depends, but around 21-24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Maria is a fun-loving girl who enjoys partying and drinking beer with her friends

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Personality: Maria is a fun-loving girl who enjoys partying and drinking beer with her friends. She's clever, and is always quick to come up with a sarcastic reply. She doesn't like to show emotion much, and doesn't open up easily to even her friends. When she's serious, she's very sympathetic and selfless.

Strengths: Flirting, jokes, very confident, a joy to be around, and is very protective over her friends.

Flaws: Hates to talk about when she's upset, has some anger issues, and has trouble keeping a romantic relationship.

Backstory: Maria grew up with a poor family in a small town. She grew up a happy child, her parents were loving and tried their best to be there for her. Sadly, though, her mom died of a terrible illness that had spread throughout the town.

Her dad moved them to an apartment in a nearby city to be closer to his new job. He tried to move on and date other women, but nothing worked out. When she was old enough, Maria moved out and started college in a farther part of the city.

She eventually dropped out, the stress of it being to much. She started working at the local bar to gain her money instead.

Pets: Has a hamster in her room that is named "Oreo" because of his black and white fur.

Top, Switch, or Bottom?/Seme, Seke, or Uke?: Switch/seke. Although she prefers to top.


(1) After seeing an ad online about someone wanting a new roommate, you contacted the girl and began plans to move in.
After packing up all your belongings and putting them into your car, you drove to her apartment. You knock on the door with your boxes in you hands, and become face to face with your new roommate.

(2) You've recently been kicked from your house/have decide to move out. Not sure what to do next, you call your friend Maria. She offers for you to stay with her and you agree. A few days later, and you are all packed up. You go over to her apartment with your boxes. After helping you unpack, Maria turns to you. "What now, roomie?" She grins.

(3) Make your own scenario!!

(Sorry I'm really bad with coming up with scenarios lol)

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