Chapter 3

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   Bumblebee's p.o.v

     The rain fell. I was loosing consciousness. The helicopter was almost here. I told myself this over and over again. "Come on Bee." It hurt to speak but that was all I could do to keep my eyes open. Pain was numbing my leg. Next thing I know a helicopter is in view. The trees lean back like they are playing limbo. The leaves bob up and down with it. I am far enough away to where it's propellers wouldn't hit me. As soon as it landed and the propellers slowed, soldiers ran out of it. There was so much relief in me that I started to fall forward. A guy caught me. "Hey, stay with me!" I blinked and him lazily. "How old are you?!" He Asked eyes wide. "Ei-eighteen." He was taken aback. "Oh lord kid. Let's get you home." He picked me up. "What happened?" His eyes were green and filled with concern. "K-Korean shot me through the leg. I-I killed him." He nodded, "you earned to live kid." We a boarded the helicopter and it started to take off. "Pull it up!" I fell tugging on my leg and I yelped, "GAH!" The man from earlier patted my shoulder. "It's alright, focus on my voice. What's your name?" I looked him in the eyes and held up my hand, I did that with Hot Rod and he would always grab it. He did grab it, I squeezed his hand like it was my only way to survive, "my name is...Bumblebee." He rose a brow, "alright. Any address?" I shook my head. Then another man popped out, "Wait his name is Bumblebee? He has an address. This guy that signed him up wrote it down. Said it was the right one." I practically jumped up but the man held me down. "HE DID WHAT?!" I screamed, "it was him! He put me through hell again! He wanted me in another war! It was Megatron!" I cried and fell back against the bench as men were properly bandaging my leg. "Hey, your just a little delusional. You'll get back home Bumblebee." I nodded solemnly. I prayed it wasn't any Decepticon.

We made it to the base and I was given crutches and a bandage around my leg. "Oh ya and kid, I forgot to tell you. We won. They pulled out the white flag. America won." I was super relieved. "Thank you." He nodded, "what's your name?" I asked, furrowing my brow. "Connor." I smiled with a nod, "thank you, Connor." I still had my uniform on and my tags. My other boot was in my back pack I had on. I hobbled on my crutches. My helmet was already in my backpack and my medals had already been delivered. I was going home. "Connor is taking you home!" A man yelled and Connor nodded and hopped in at the steering wheel of the army car. "Let's go little man." I jumped in the passenger side, it was a little difficult due to the crutches.

Here I was. In front of a house. I was afraid. Connor waved me goodbye as I hobbled to the steps. I waved carefully and he drove away. I stood there for a minute I hobbled up the steps. I made it to the door. It was a beautiful blue house. There were flowers too. I sighed and rang the door bell. I stared at the door waiting for it to open. Then, I heard footsteps. I started to sweat. Then the door opened. I wanted to pass out. I stood there. I took in all of it. I chocked, I wanted to cry, "O-Optimus?" His eyes were just as wide as mine. "Bumblebee!" I fell into him as I threw my crutches on the ground. He hugged me back. I cried. We fell to the ground. I was in his arms.

Optimus' p.o.v

My door bell rang once again. I sat my coffee down along with the morning newspaper telling me about our win of WWIII. I made my way to the door. I opened it. There he was. The saddest part was he was on crutches. He was in uniform. He was about to cry, his blue eyes were so much duller than I remember, "O-Optimus?" I couldn't help myself, "Bumblebee!" He fell into me after dropping his crutches. I felt his crying and a sob tore through him. I knew he was on crutches so he was standing on one leg so I took us to the ground. He curled up in my arms and I held him. We stayed that way for a while before it hit me, "Bumblebee?" He looked up at me, his eyes puffy and red. "Y-you talk?" He smiled, "made myself do it. I had to. Only way I could yell." I shook my head at how scratchy and hoarse it was. "Is it always like that?" He nodded solemnly. "I don't know why." I helped him back up and leaned him against the side of my house as I grabbed his crutches and gave them back. "Let's get you inside." We made it in as he sat on the couch. I sat by him. "How did that happen?" He looked at me from his shaggy blonde hair. "Korean shot me from behind...I killed him." The tears were back and a sob erupted. "It's alright Bee. I promise." He wiped his eyes. He took off his shirt as he showed his body. It was scared, white scars everywhere. He had a little bit more muscle. "Are you hungry? I'll get you a shirt also." He nodded, "thank you." I went into my room and grabbed a black shirt. It would be a bit bigger on him but it would work. I grabbed him a peach. I walked back into the room, Bumblebee was looking at his bandaged leg. "Here." I gave him the shirt and peach, he took it kindly. He instantly started to eat on it. He looked so hungry, before I knew it, he was done. Nothing but the pit was left. "Sorry." He muttered and I smiled, "it is alright Bumblebee." I took it from him and put it in the trash bin. When I walked back in he was trying to put his shirt on. "Need any help." I saw him nod and visibly smiled. I helped him get it on and he was super relieved. "Get some sleep." He looked so wore out. He laid back as I helped him. I have him a flannel blanket also. He took a pillow off my couch and the crutches were against the corner of my couch. "Thank you Optimus." He muttered before falling asleep. "You are most welcome Bumblebee. Now get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up." I wanted to talk to him so much more but for him to do that he needed rest.

   Ratchet's p.o.v

     I went into work today thinking of the new guy. I hadn't ever thought about a new patient as much as I have this time. There was just something so different. Oh so different. I couldn't place my finger on it though. I shook it off and went on with my day though. But now, it was time for the new guy to be here. I waited in the room on the computer. I was filling out everything for him to get started. I would send it to his normal doctor of course but I just wanted to make sure. "Doctor Rick, Sam is here." She let the man in and left. I stood and looked from the papers. I gasped and dropped them. The man was also in shock. "Smokescreen?" I saw tears form, "RATCHET!" He lunged into my arms. "Oh Primus, I thought I wouldn't ever see you again!" He hugged me tighter if that were possible. "Alright, alright." He let go and wiped his eyes. But, I notice him wince. "So, you came to the doctor for a reason, what happened?" He shrugged, "I uh, I'm a racer. Street racer." I rolled my eyes, "go figure." He nervously smiled, "I couldn't find anything really." I looked at him solemnly, "it's alright." He nodded, "well anyway, I was driving and I jerked my wheel to hard and a pain went through my shoulder. Every time I use it it's just pain." I tapped my chin, "You prolly tore a muscle."
     I told him to follow me. We walked down the halls to the x-ray room. I laid him on the table making sure he was still I walked over to the handles and switched. "Alright, don't panic and try not to move so much." He didn't so much as move a muscle form what I could tell. "Good." I muttered then lowered the x-ray to his form. I looked at it closely. "It's a torn muscle." He groaned, "guess no more racing." I turned off the x-ray and walked to him. "You aren't gonna have to. I found you and now we are gonna find the others." He nodded, "thank you." I smiled, "you are gonna need an arm sling, knowing you , you could figure out a way to hurt it even worse if it's not held there." Smokescreen made a pouty face. "It's the left shoulders fault that it's decided to tear a muscle." I rolled my eyes once more, "shut up and follow me." I took him back to the room we were and gave him a sling. "Don't hurt it anymore." The last thing I wanted was for him to try and throw it out of socket.

     We got home that night. He was instantly asleep. His fawn colored hair swept across his forehead all sweaty as he grumbled in his sleep. "Why?" I muttered to know one.

   WheelJacks p.o.v

     My sling on my right arm was bothering the absolute crap out of me. I sighed as I went out my door. I gained some money from turning in deer meat. Thank Primus. I was gonna go eat at The Shack. It was gonna be my first time but I've heard around that the food is good. Folks like to talk about it. I hopped in my car. I may look like I live in a ditch but woo do I have the best car ever! I chuckled to myself. "I need a name..." I thought it over before starting the engine. "I got it, Charles." I smiled to myself in satisfactory. I started the engine to my car and drove to The Shack. It was a nice place.

     I parked my car when I got there. I walked inside and the place wasn't that busy. I was super glad. I didn't want to explain to a thousand other people who I was. I took a seat and a waited came up. She wasn't looking at me and the notepad blocked my view. "What would you like to drink sir?" I smiled, "sweet tea if ya don't mind." She wrote that down then she moved the notepad and looked me in the eyes. I instantly kicked myself. I stared at her. Her eyes were just as wide. "W-WheelJack?" She was super shocked. Her eyes were starting to leak. "Arcee? Uhhh come on." I dragged her outside with my good arm. When we reached outside she instantly pounced on me. I held her with my good arm. She sobbed and bald super hard. "Uhhh, hey it's alright." I didn't know how to act in these situations but I had knowledge. I've seen it on Television. "O-okay." She let go and put her notepad in the pocket of her waist apron. "What happened to your arm?" She was in mother mode. I groaned, "Decepticons." She glared, "I'll rip them apart,  piece by piece."

     We made it to her house that night. She decided that I stay with her for now on. I of course most definitely agreed. "Now that I have you we are gonna set out to find the others." I nodded, "sounds good with me. I really wanna find Bulkhead and see how he's doing." She smiled with a curt nod, "I can't wait to see Optimus and Jack!" I chuckled, "Miko has probably stolen any new base possible for us." Arcee nodded, "most definitely." I rose a brow, "so uh, where do you want me to sleep?" She smiled, "don't worry, no more couch for you. You are gonna sleep in my guest room. It was just an extra room I had. I put a bed in it though in case I needed it." Relief, "Thanks."
     The bed was so soft when I laid down. I almost drooled myself to sleep. "Oh boy, I can't wait to see the others." I went to sleep with peace.

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