Chapter 15

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Jazz's p.o.v

"Ratchet!" I jumped up from where I slept on the crates. I saw I was still in human form and looked around. My black hair with electric blue tips whipping to the side like a golden retrievers fur. "It's Crosshairs! He's not waking up!" It was Smokescreen. Ratchet was jogging up the steps. I ran over to the stairs and grabbed the railing, Arcee looked down crying. I ran up to her, "What?" I asked I started to shake, "what?!" She jumped and turned away from me. I went eyes wide when I saw Ratchet trying to bring Crosshairs back to life. I grabbed Arcee and brought her to my chest. Hot Rod was holding Bumblebee back. Smokescreen was staring, horrified. I heard steps up the stairs and looked to see the rest of the team. WheelJack gasped. Bulkhead stopping behind him. IronHide grasped the railing and punched it, busting open his knuckle. Arcee flinched at the sound. Optimus stood. He put his head down.
Our human forms seemed to show more emotion than our Cybertronian sides. Ratchet was giving Crosshairs electrocuting shocks. I watched as Ratchet tried again and again. I saw WheelJack look away quickly and a sob erupted in him. It was a foreign sound to come from the old wrecker. Ratchet looked at us and shook his head. Arcee cried so hard. I didn't notice I leaked a tear. Optimus clenched his fists and stood in front of us all. Smokescreen was shaking in his hands and had paled. He was still in shock. Hot Rod held Bumblebee, they both cried on each other. Then, a miracle struck. Crosshairs coughed and groaned. Bumblebee stopped and so did the rest of us. Crosshairs opened his eyes and propped himself up on his elbow, "Why the hell are you all standing around looking at me for?" He looked grumpy and was wincing in pain. "Oh Primus." Bumblebee let go of Hot Rod. Hot Rod ran and went to his knees and grabbed Crosshairs in a hug. Hot Rods brown hair was messed up but was barely visible as he put his head in the crook of Crosshairs neck. "I thought I lost you Hairs!" Crosshairs started to cough and Ratchet peeled Hot Rod off of Crosshairs. "Drift, help me with him." Drift took Hot Rod who went back to Bumblebee. Hot Rod was an inch taller than Bee, surprisingly. "Alright, everyone go back to bed, I can handle this." Ratchet mumbled as IronHide carried Crosshairs down the stairs. "I will help." I spoke up and let go of Arcee who went to Smokescreen and assured him everything was ok.

Smokescreens p.o.v

The next morning I woke up to see Arcee in the bean bag and I back on the couch with Bumblebee who was snoozing quietly. Hot Rod was sleeping in his recliner that was pulled back. I groaned when I got up. I felt like crap. Then bile rose in my throat. I swallowed it and it burned. I wanted to cry my throat hurt so bad and I felt woozy and I needed to hurl. I shook Bee awake. He instantly shot up and grabbed his gun of the coffee table then aimed it at me. He was on his feet with his black shirt on and in his red plad boxers. "Sorry." He mumbled and put the black handgun down. "It's alright, I need a bucket and some water please." He nods curtly before walking off with a yawn and rubbing his face. I lay back and set a hand gently on my forehead before pulling it back after it touched my forehead. "I'm burning up." I suddenly felt the sweat. I groaned uncomfortably. I took off my shirt and was only in my boxers at this point. Bee came back with exactly what I needed. He even brought a thermometer. "Thanks." I sat up and hurled. He bent down to me and rubbed my back. "Easy." He said as I finished and tried to stand. I nodded. He helped me sit back down. "Here." He handed me the glass of water. I took it and drank it quickly. The cold soothing liquid going down my throat was amazing. "Alright, slow down. I need to check your temperature." I sat the glass down and let him stick the thing in my mouth and under my tongue. We waited a couple of seconds and he looked me in they eyes, his face was concerned and wore. "What time is it?" I mumbled with the thermometer in my mouth. He yawned and looked at his phone, "four a.m." I nod and the thing beeps. He pulls it out to take a look and frowns, "one hundred point four. You are most definitely sick Smoky. Sleep. I'm gonna go let Ratchet know and put on some shorts for the day. "Thank you Bee." He nods and grabs the bucket and thermometer while walking away. I fall asleep, peacefully.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

"Ratchet, Smoky is sick." He sighs and rubs his head, "alright." I stop and set the bucket down. "You doing okay Ratch? You need to rest also, I can watch over Hairs and take care of Smoky." He sighs and shakes his head, "I can handle it," I set a hand on his shoulder, "go rest." He doesn't resist this time. He gets up then looks at me with a gentle hand resting on my shoulder, "thank you." He gently pats my shoulder then walks away. I look to see Crosshairs snoozing. I smile then hear people talking. WheelJack and Bulkhead walk in, laughing.
     They then notice me, "Hey kid, hows it going?" I shrug, "Smoky is sick. I sent Ratch to be-ed." WheelJack frowns, I don't know if it was the sound of my voice or the fact that Smokescreen is sick. I put it as the Smokescreen is sick way though. "What was his temperature?" Asks Bulkhead as he glances to the catwalk. "One hundred point four." He frowns, "dang." I nod. "Well, how is Crosshairs?" Bulkhead asks next. "Fine I suppose. I'm hoping he gets off tomorrow." WheelJack nods, "on could only hope." I smile, "okay Optimus Prime." He chuckles, "watch your back." He pats my back and I laugh.

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