ii. one year ago

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait to get the chapter finished. But it's done now. The next few chapters will be exciting,or I hope at least. Thanks for being patient and without further ado, or stalling or procrastinating like I usually do, here is the second chapter!

    Everyone rolled into the school-hallway-like place the day following. Their voices mixing into the perfect cacophony as some preferred to be friendly and make friends with others, and some decided to not really do anything and wait around on their butts for something magical to happen. As if like would take them out of the drug-smelling hellhole of which they'd buried their feet into.

    Royal walked over to Chloe once more. Chloe was wearing shades to hide her badly scared eyes over what her dad had done to her on the day she met Royal. Meanwhile, Royal was allowing her nerves to be shown everywhere. She kept her usual calm, and carefree demeanor, and yet she just had an off-nervous edge to her curves.

    "What's wrong?" Chloe asked.

    "Nothing." Royal said, not wanting to talk about what she saw. "What about you? You're wearing, when it's barely even 0 degrees." Royal said.

    "I'm fine." Chloe lied.

    "No you're not. My intuition is tingling." She spoke wholeheartedly. Knowing that something was wrong.

    "Well it's none of your business. I literally just met you." Chloe said.

    "Okay, whoah. Slow down. It's not like I am some stalker on the internet." Royal said, raising one eye curiously at her friend.

    Chloe began to walk off, "well we all sometimes have to act natural when we're at our weakest moments." Chloe said, and then walked off, to the outskirts of the schools inhabitance. She saw a table outside, and sat on it. Royal followed along. "Can you stop following me around like a moth to light?" She asked.

    "Well I'm sorry for having a heart and a brain." Royal said, siting down next to her. "You can tell me what's up. 'I'm all ears. Or eyes. Or whatever the saying is." She spoke.

    "Fine, if you're dying to know. I can't tell you everything, but... Well..." She murmured. Scared of revealing everything. "My dad, he's kind of an asshat if I was putting it not so harshly." She admitted. "That's all I am going to say."

    Royal's face dimmed. "You'll be okay, just stay strong." Royal said, trying to reassure the girl, to purify her innocence when hers had been long gone. Innocence to what, exactly? Sex? Greed? Anger? No, the law, in Royal's position. The cold girl tried to sympathize with her friend and tried to connect with her when that clearly wasn't the best, but she kept everything together and let it inside of her, and she knew that something had to be done.


Matt had grown, err, sort of close to the person who plus woman did not equal anything too well. Dakota, of course. The two were talking while they strolled down the hill that lead back into the school-lookalike-building while they grew a friendship together.

Over the hills barrier, they noticed a blonde girl sitting with Chloe Rogers, the girl who had previously opened up to the vandalism girl, Dakota noticed her immediately and stopped.

"Why'd we stop?" Matt asked.

"You see that girl over there?" Dakota pointed out, "we had a thing. I can't be seen near her."

"Sure you can..." Matt admitted, an omnipresent smile lurking around his face, the smile almost causing an outbreak, it was surely contagious.

"Me and girls don't exactly mix well, but okay.." Dakota rolled his eyes.

"Well, you can't keep hiding from the past. You're gonna have to face her eventually, so why not now?" Matt shrugged confidently.

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