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My name is Alaijha.

My name is broken, repaired, taped back together.

My name is a mistake.

An apology


My name has been misused,

Misunderstood, abused. Beaten, tattered.

My name is an argument,

A rumor,

Whispered through the hallways like a shadow trying to find its place.

My name is hope to people around me .

A success story,

A struggle story,

A story they can relate to.

My name comes with sympathy,

anger ,


Its meaning has been changed yet still spelled the same.
People repeat it over and over

like a song they’re not sure if they like yet.

They try to get it out their mouth like a bad taste that keeps coming back.

My name has a story.

It is history of the past,

dreams of the future.

Ask me if I know my name,

and I’ll tell you….it’s incomplete.

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