21st Century Love

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Getting over you is not checking your facebook very five minutes.

Getting over you is not watching your snapchat on airplane mode because I don't want you to know I miss you.

Getting over you is not staring at our messages for an hour wondering if I should say something.

It's not being upset when you never text me.

It’s deleting our messages because the memories don’t mean anything.

I don't mention you to my friends anymore.

When your name is mentioned, I don't feel anything.

I use to watch your friends snapchat stories hoping I would be in them

I use to watch the development of my life hoping you would appear.

I don't love you anymore.

And I know that you’re okay with that

but I can finally breathe again.

I can finally smile without regret and loneliness eating at the bottom of my stomach.

I can finally stop looking for my missing piece because im building a new puzzle.

Your name use to be power held against me,

but now, it is just a name.

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