♱ V ♱

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I couldn't believe it myself. I'm here, sitting on a table in a fast food place with Bendy, in public. Luckily, not many people were around, just a lady with her two children and a couple. I took a bite of my burger, munching slowly as I notice Bendy slurping on an empty milkshake.

♱ I furrow my brows together, irritated a bit by the noise he was creating.

♱ "Are you trying to make yourself notice!" I whisper loudly, and he sets the shake down. Grinning at me with his cheeks filled with the shake. He nods before gulping it all down.

♱ "Hey! I haven't ate in a looong time, cut me some slack." He unwraps a burger and takes a bite. I nervously glance around to see the others just minding their own business.

♱ I sigh. "Alright, fine I will. Just promise me you won't cause trouble, at least. I don't want someone looking at you then making a scene." I mumble, taking a bite of the rest and Bendy nods.

♱ "Sure thing!" He winks.

♱ I swallow before crumpling the wrapper into a ball, setting on the tray. I sip on some water. Then hearing Bendy smack his lips slightly. I look over to see him looking at me.

♱ "Can I have some? I, kinda finished mine already." He laughs and I hesitate, before reaching it to him. He takes a sip and pulls away before I do too.

♱ "Wanna leave? I can see that your homesick even though it's only been two hours." Bendy points out and I nod with a smile.

♱ "Can you get a bag? I wanna take my food home for later." He smiles and I hesitantly nod. Sliding out the chair and awkwardly walk up to the front counter. Waiting as I glance back to see the devil gone.

♱ "H-Hey!" I call out in panic.

♱ "Yes?"

♱ Frozen. I look back to see an employee, waiting for me. I clear my throat.

♱ "I.. I, um, Can I have a bag?" I ask and he nods, grabbing a paper bag from the shelf and handing it to me.

♱ "Have a good day ma'am." He waves with a smile and I awkwardly wave back. Quickly, I walk over to my table seeing the devil toon covering his mouth. Holding in laughter and I glare at him.

♱ "I thought you left!" I raise my voice and he only snickers quietly.

♱ "But I didn't."

♱ "You scared me! I can't be out here alone cause I'm afraid." I admit and he falls silent.

♱ "Are you alright?" A voice from behind speaks, and I turn to see the mother with her two kids. I shakily nod, clearing my throat as I start to put Bendy's food in the bag.

♱ "Y-Yeah. Sorry for that ma'am, it's just this toon thinks he's a real jokester." I glare back at Bendy and quickly wave my goodbye. Leaving before I can let her respond.

♱ "Woah.. I didn't know you were THAT down in the scale." Bendy's voice speaks up next to me.

♱ "Y'know, you could of been like that lady. Having a family and moved out your mother's home. Then you wouldn't have to feel homesick since.." His voice fades out as he notices me, not really wanting to put up with him at the moment.

♱ I huff slightly as we begin to make my way home. The toon only tries his best to try to make me feel better throughout the walk.

♱ It'll only grew worse as I felt I'm being bullied by this toon. Through, his company is nice at times. He isn't that bad actually, he just needs to learn when to keep to himself.

♱ "We're home!" He gladly announces, running up to the front porch and I follow behind. Fumbling with the keys and unlocking the door. There, we enter inside as I place the bag on the table.

♱ "Hey, I know what'll cheer you up!" Bendy yells out and rushes over to the television. I follow behind and sit down, seeing the toon give me a bowl of cereal and puts a disc. I couldn't help but to crack a laugh. Bendy widens his eyes before a toothy grin forms on his face.

♱ "I'm actually fine Bendy. I don't mind the comments— they hurt but they don't kill me." I explain, setting the bowl down.

♱ "And sorry about earlier.. I-I don't go anywhere without my mom." I nervously smile. He only fixes his bow tie for a moment.

♱ "Well, that's what I'm here for! You called me, and I'm here!" He pokes my nose and I couldn't help but smile.

♱ "Now— Let's see what else you got in there."

♱ He points to the basement door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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