♱ IV ♱

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♱ "I'd say we give your mommy dear the ol' whoopee cushion trick!" Bendy pulls a whoopee cushion out before squeezing it, letting off a fart sound. The toon laughs and shoves it back inside the white bag casually.

♱ "Or, even better." He grabs a hold of my hand, leaving an electric shock to zap in me. I pull my hand away, light headed before noticing the tweety birds flying around my head. I shoo my hand at them and felt my hair all frizzy.

♱ "The hand buzzer, still Acme's biggest seller." He chuckles once again and I only try to fix my frizzy hair. Once done, I place my hands on my hips while standing up.

♱ "Listen here 'Bendy'! I'm not doing on— whatever you're doing. You're in my room, so that means you obey my rules! Alright." I cross my arms proudly as Bendy only bursts into laughter. I felt a bit embarrassed, my self-esteem towering down and just raise a brow at this. Trying to stay tough however.

♱ "Listen (Y/N), I don't follow any rules no matter where I am. I am a cartoon." He stands on the bed to reach my height.

♱ "And you're human."

♱ He jumps off my bed and lands on the ground, a smirk playing on his lips.

♱ "I can do whatever I want!" He announces and I frown at this.

♱ "I'm kinda like a fairy." He adds in with a whisper and that only left me to purse my lips. Curious.

♱ "Just say 'I wish' and I got you."

♱ I pause for a moment.

♱ "Then.. I wish for three dollars." I wish, wanting to see if this is true or not. Bendy looks through his white bag, pulling out something as he hands it to me. I look down at my hand, noticing on what I'm holding.

♱ I raise a brow at this and look back at the toon.

♱ "I said dollars.. Not collars!"

♱ Bendy shrugs.

♱ "I'm broke."

♱ I let go of the collars as they land on the floor. He picks them up and shoves them back inside with a toothy grin.

♱ "Plus, I'm a demon not a genie, thank you very much."

♱ He looks up to me.

♱ "Though I do want to be a fairy." He fixes his bow tie and I only become confused but shake my head, trying to regain focus.

♱ "Listen he--!"

♱ "Now come on! Let's surprise your mommy!" In a blink, the demon toon is gone before my sentence is finished. I widen my eyes at this, and begin to rush out my bedroom. Running down the stairs and notice the demon toon behind my mother.

♱ She's only washing the dishes and Bendy holding a pail filled with water.

♱ His finger on his lips as to stay silent.

♱ "Mom!" I yell out and she quickly jumps in surprise, landing a hand on her chest. She looks over to me in disapproval.

♱ "(Y/N), don't raise your voice." She reminds and I look over to Bendy, he tilts the pail as to use that as a threat. I swallow hard and his head twists like the Cheshire Cat.

♱ "What's the matter either way?" She grabs the towel, dying off her hands and I fidget my hands.

♱ "Um.. Mom, you know me I, um.. I have something to tell you." My mother waits for me to continue.

♱ "Y'know when I grabbed that V.H.S." I mumble.

♱ "Yeah.. Did you take something else?" Her voice becomes stern and I immediately freeze.

♱ "I— um.. Mom, you know me—!"

♱ "(Y/N), did you take something else or not." Mother demands. I look over to Bendy to see him wiggle his finger at me. He silenced his mouth then points to the pail. I swallow once again.

♱ "N-No.." I lie and quickly, Bendy nods in approval before accidentally dropping the pail to the floor which leaves my mother to jump. The demon toon rushes to hide and she looks behind her, seeing the pail and she picks it up. Strangely, the water was gone.

♱ "Oh my goodness.. I knew I should of not left it to close to the edge of the refrigerator." She puts the pail back on top, more far back. I stay silent and notice Bendy from the pail. I hesitate to react and just rush over to my mother.

♱ "Mom, listen, I— I'm really hungry. I was wondering if I can go get something to bite?" I ask, making her turn the other way and mother only forms a smile on her lips.

♱ "Sure, go ahead. It's about time you go get something to eat by yourself." She pinches my cheeks gently before tugging her sleeves down.

♱ "I'll be in my room doing paperwork, call me if you need me."

♱ She walks off and once she's gone, I take a deep breath. I grabs the pail form above the refrigerator but to see it empty. I look around but there, the demon toon comes out from my shirt.

♱ "Mm! Something to bite! What we getting?" He asks with his toothy grin and I pull Bendy out from my shirt. Setting him down on the counter table and tugging my shirt slightly.

♱ "Nothing! What were you even trying to do! I would of been in trouble!" I yell and he only snorts.

♱ "So you want lunch. Gotcha. Hey! I know a great place!" Bendy jumps off the table and runs up to the front door. I stay put.

♱ "I'm not going anywhere." I add in and he tilts his head in confusion. Giving off a space out look as in thinking of something. I look away briefly, only to hear Bendy let out a 'hm'.

♱ "How old are you anyways?"

♱ I shrug.

♱ "I barely turned twenty-three." I answer and his head jumps up in surprise.

♱ "Wait! You're twenty-three!"

♱ He comments in such shock, slightly offending me in the process.

♱ "Yeah.. so?" I cross my arms and Bendy's body leans on the wall, his hand on his forehead dramatically.

♱ "Oh my lord! I hit rock bottom!" He yells in a pleading tone.

♱ "I'm here with a twenty year old whose still living with their mommy!"

♱ Bendy burst out into laughter.

♱ "Now I see why you called me."

♱ "Shut up! I never asked for you to judge me!" I snap, anger boiling up in me. He stops just as fast, checking his gloves like if they were his nails.

♱ "— And I never asked to be canceled, but we don't all get what we want sweetheart." He winks.


♱ Bendy opens the door.

♱ "Now about lunch!" Bendy yells with his toothy grin. His hand stretches over to mine, pulling me out my own home.

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