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The following day I went out to find Mitsuhide.

Maybe he'll help me become a good swordsman!

Eventually I ended up getting lost, classic me. I kept trying to retrace my steps but nothing worked.

"Darn it, I could've sworn it was around here somewhere." I huffed, stopping to look around.

"A court herbalist?"

I spun around to come face to face with a tall, well dress blonde haired man. His baby blue eyes pierced through my own.

"My, my! What peculiar eyes you have!" He said slyly, walking up to me, leaning over me.

Uncomfortable I leaned back.

"Prince Izana, and you are?" 

I froze. The Prince Izana?! As in the first prince of Clarines?!

"U-Uh, (Y/N)! I-I'm (Y/N)!" I bowed quickly.

"Now where are you trying to go, you've gotten yourself to quite an odd part of the castle." He asked me, fixing the cuff on his sleeve as he spoke.

"I was trying to find Prince Zen's office. I need to speak with Mitsuhide." I explained in the most polite tone I could muster.

"Ah, my brother. I was just on my way to see him, why don't you join me?" A sly smirk spread across his face.

Every fiber in my body was yelling at me to walk away, but I needed to be on his good side, so when he extended his arm to me... I took it.

I stayed completely silent as Izana led me through the hallways. I stole a glance at his face, only to find him smiling down at me. My face immediately turned red and I face quickly forward again. I heard him chuckle.

"You're quite the opposite to your sister. She has quite a mouth on her, you on the other hand... quiet, I like that in a lady." He stated.

I felt my heart beat.

He couldn't possibly be hitting on me... could he?! No! That's insane! He's just being a prick....

We stayed silent for a few more minutes before reaching a large door. Prince Izana released me from his grip and walked up to the door, knocking lightly.

"Zen, I'm coming in." And with that he swung open the door.

"Lord Brother? What are you- (Y/N)?" Zen asked in shock, standing at his desk.

"Hello Zen!" I said politely, bowing.

I saw Izana smile down a me, to which Zen huffed, coming towards me. He lightly grabbed me by my arm and led me inside, sitting me down on a chair. I saw Mitsuhide smile and wave at me, I returned his gesture with a smile and wave of my own. 

"How brash young brother, grabbing a lady by her arm." Izana was clearly trying to get a rise out of his brother. It was working. Zen turned red in frustration.

"What do you want Lord Brother?" He asked, leaning against his desk.

"Nothing, just... stopping in." A sly smile spread across his face as he spoke. "Where's that little red apple of yours?" Izana inquired, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Izana hates commoners... it shows.

"That does not concern you, Lord Brother, if you will." Zen stood and motioned to the door.

Izana simply smiled, nodding his head and looking at me once before leaving.

"I'm sorry you had to see that (Y/N)." Zen sighed, running a hand through his hair.

I shook my head.

"It's fine, really!" I tried to reassure Zen.

He smiled weakly at me before sitting at his desk again.

"So what brings you here?" Zen asked.

"I was actually looking for Mitsuhide!" I piped up, turning to face a shocked looking Mitsuhide.

Zen laughed.

"Is that so? What'd he do this time?" Zen chuckled.

"Nothing!" I giggled. "I'd just like to ask him a few questions is all." I smiled.

"Of course! Maybe I'll have time to sneak off while you two chat." Zen laughed.

"Your highness!" Mitsuhide scolded the prince. 

Zen and I laughed.

"Don't worry, Kiki will be back soon, so go. I'll be here when you come back." Zen smiled at Mitsuhide.


"You what?!" Mitsuhide asked in complete and utter shock.

"Shhh!!" I scolded him, waving my hands at him to keep him quiet.

"I'm sorry, but a swordsman?! You're an herbalist!" Mitsuhide was going through his thought process out loud. 

"I know, I know... I just." I sighed, taking a seat on a railing, looking out at the castle gardens. "Shirayuki is all about following her dreams, taking the road she wants... I don't think I ever once took in account my own feelings. And now... Well now I'd like to at least try something for myself." I gasped, covering my mouth, in shock that I spilt all of that to Mitsuhide. "I'm so sorry! I over shared!" I apologized quickly.

Mitsuhide let out a soft laugh.

"That's actually really sweet, you kept quiet so your sister would be happy. But if being an herbalist isn't making you happy... well then there's something to be done about that." Mitsuhide beamed at me.

"You mean it! You'll teach me how to fight?!" I hopped up off the railing, jumping with joy like a little kid.

"Of course! Meet me in the far west corridor, theres an old hall that leads to a big room. It's where Zen used to practice, but now we have a new facility for fighting. It should be away from anyone so you'll be able to practice without shame." Mitsuhide told me.

I smiled and nodded and in blind happiness I ran to Mitsuhide and wrapped my arms around him. Immediately I realized what I was doing and took a step back.

"Uh- Um... Thanks Mitsuhide!" I said awkwardly.

Mitsuhide laughed and smiled at me.

"Of course."




"So the herbalist wants to fight... How peculiar indeed."

AHAHAHAHAH! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS CLIFF HANGER! (is it really a cliff hanger? idk, lol) But I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter! This story has been super fun to rewrite! I think I'm going to make a schedule for myself and I'm going to update this book once every week, or twice if I get a good idea and am eager to write. Anyways... I hope you are all enjoying this book! Toodles!

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