13: She's back

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The yuharan property, a single island by itself. A small island which has everything a town has.And...all the people here are hanaran's prisoners.

Yuharan family; they are a family who are skilled in assasin techniques and are influential in power . Due to the money they make by doing work for others, they bought this island.

And the prisoners...they are just called like that by name . Actually they are people who are wanted by authority but want a place to settle and not wanted to be found.

law pov:

this is the world of the yuharan . I only also knew after tsukiro told me.

The main headquarters...the castle in the middle of the island.


'you finally came back?'

tsukiro: why? Were you hoping me to suffer? Richard.

' I'm your father. Show some respect!!!'

tsukiro: I don't have parents who sold me.

' shut up!! You don't deserve this time's election!!!'

tsukiro: even the bitchy wife is here.What a reunite. Neh magdeline.

valerie: nee-chan!!! why do you say that?!!

tsukiro: am I wrong? The person who was behind the whole ploy? The smartest in that group there.

valerie: well...don't say that. I am kinda smart.

*flash* A kunai was placed at tsukiro's neck.

valerie: die and don't ever appear.Than I'll have less one competitor.

My blade rests on her shoulder to her neck.

law: how about I cut off yours first?

valerie: some kind of servant you have.

tsukiro: buzz off law.I don't need your help.

Tsukiro actually had a kunai to valerie's stomach.

valerie:you're strong as I remembered.

'stop now. '

valerie: tsk.

Valerie and tsukiro put down their kunais.I kept my own nodachi.

' you're back tsukiro. '

tsukiro: I never intended to come back Master.

master: than why did you?

tsukiro: *anime vein* You threatened to throw away my sweets collection!!!! Of course I came back!!! Don't you dare touch them you old geezer!!!

master: heh heh...

tsukiro: I'll kill you!! I'm warning you! !!

-_- llll that's the reason...


Her room was the first one nearer by the stair.

*click* the door opens and...

-_- sweets....everywhere...walls,doors, windows....even ceilings. *sweat drops* what kind of insane collection did she have. ..

tsukiro: you...you were thinking I'm a weird person isn't it!!!

law:*sweatdrop* erm...I didn't.

tsukiro:don't lie!!! I can see it from your eyes!!!

law: -_- no no . Really. I didn't.

tsukiro pov:

eh...why am I being so friendly to him for.I calm down and say in a cold voice.

tsukiro: get out.Why are you even here?

law: its my choice.


He walks out of the room . After a while someone else comes into my room.


tsukiro: Luna.

luna:how do you like your room? I tidied it everyday.

tsukiro: awesome.

luna: I'm the butler now . Isn't that awesome?

tsukiro:eh....good for you.

luna: so? Are you prepared for the election?

tsukiro: I have no intention of becoming the next Master.

luna: eh....I would definitely vote for you though.

tsukiro: thanks.But...I do not care for the position. That old geezer called me probably because he didn't want this land to be in other people's hands.

luna: isn't that good?

tsukiro: of course not.I don't want to be the master.Plus, the election is about votes. The master only gets to choose what the 3 matches are about. The people of the island have the vote in their hands for the next master.

luna: don't worry . I'll always vote for you.

tsukiro: thanks.

luna: oh...one more thing.Your friend is sitting outside your room.He said that he's going to sleep there.

tsukiro:*anime vein* that idiot!!!


tsukiro: hey.

law: yeah?

tsukiro: come in.

Law follows tsukiro into the room.

tsukiro: you can sleep on this mattress.

law: oh...thanks.

tsukiro: don't think it of the wrong way.I just don't want other people to laugh at me.Good night.

law pov:


you actually still care about me.

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