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Demitrius' P.O.V

"Please I'm begging you. I just need two weeks and then I will return your money." I sat across from Mr. Odell and watched him cry and beg. His tears didn't mean anything to me. I had given him long enough to repay his debt.

"I promise." he continued realising I was not falling for his tears.

I stood from my chair and stalked over to the mini bar in the corner of my office and poured myself a glass of whiskey. I took a drink and stared out the floor to ceiling windows at the other end of my office. I stood there for a moment in thought as I could here Mr. Odell shuffling around nervously in his seat.

"Mr. Odell," I spoke, my voice booming in the office space. "I can be a very patient man," he looked up at me as I walked back over to my desk, "and lucky for you I am feeling good today, so here is a deal for you."

His eyes shone with hope, but it slowly disappeared as I spoke again.

"I'll give you until tomorrow to repay me or, you can kiss your sweet family goodbye." I said as I turned my laptop which was displaying a picture of his two daughters.

"No! No!" he shouted as I smirked at him "I'll do anything, just please don't get my daughters involved. Please."

"Mr. Odell you should have known better than signing a deal with me knowing you wouldn't be able to repay me." I shouted slowly starting to lose my patience.

"Mr. Greyson I'm sorry but I needed the money to send my daughter to college." he said staring up at me with pleading eyes " I had all intentions to repay you but I had lost everything trying to treat my now dead wife."

"And how is that any of my problem?" I asked with the coldest expression I could master.

"Sir please just give me a little more time. I promise I will do anything you ask just please."

"Anything I say?" I asked him as mischievous ideas start coming to my mind.

"Anything" he confirmed as I stared at him with thoughts in my head. This should be fun.

"Mr. Odell how about in exchange for freeing you of your debt..." I paused for a moment and watch how he looked hopeful before I continued. "You give me your eldest daughter for as long as I want her." I said as he stared over at me shocked. I simply sat in my chair and stare back at him.

As long as I can remember my dad taught me not to feel remorse or pity for anyone "that is a form of weakness" he would say. Even when my mom died I never shed a single tear even though I had loved her more than anyone else in this world.

Dad had always grown me to be like him so that one day I could run his empire. I never had a normal childhood. I never went to the park or had a pet like every other child. I didn't even get the privilege of a birthday party, all I had to remember for my birthday was mom baking me the delicious chocolate cakes which always made me so excited. I had to read books about business and study them instead of partying like normal teenagers.

"Mr. Greyson please, just two weeks, that's all the time I need then I will repay you."

"Mr. Odell those are my final options for you. You have until tomorrow afternoon to make your decision. Go home and think about it."

With that I called my guard to escort him out of my building.

I had given him over a year to repay me because I knew of his condition but I just had to draw the line this time. After all I had a reputation to live up to.

I am Demitrius Greyson. Son of Adonis and Sofia Greyson. Heir to the Greyson's Enterprises. Known to never give second chances.


A/N: If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote, comment and share

Xoxo Shayna 😘

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