Just another Day in Paradise

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You know those days when the suns just that little bit too bright so you walk around with your eyes squinted, silently cursing the flaming ball and the chirping of the birds that are just too damn chirpy!

Yep well ya guessed it, I'm having one of those days. I know it all sounds rather dramatic and hell it probably is but right now I don't give a flying tuck.

I guess I'm rambling on about a load of crap with no context. Let me clarify (though I guess I'm just clarifying to myself but meh, coping mechanisms are each to their own). Well it all started this morning, exams fast approaching. I woke up with a throbbing in my head... I blame stress... Moving on. I then made my way downstairs falling on my ass in the process... Though that is not an uncommon occurrence for me, but it aided in this shitty ass day.

The siren screams shaking me out of my thoughts, alerting me that it's time to head to English. "Kaire!" turning my head I see Em... standing... 10cm... away from my face. "Yes?" I say unenthusiastically, "why so glum chum?" worry prominent in her eyes. This makes me smile, she always notices me, "just not my day Em, not my day."

"Did something happen with Ty? Do I need to kick his ass? Is that why he's not here today?" she rambles, creases forming on her forehead. "Oh no nothing like that, we are fine" I say with assurance, "and he's not here because he had some important air force meeting."

"ah okay" she nods, "he's been having a lot of those lately." Smiling, "yeah, that he has. It was bound to happen though, we are coming to the end of yr12 after all." We walk the rest of the way to class in silence.

Just as we approach the door my laptop bag is knocked roughly off my shoulder, causing me stumble slightly, "wow watch it" Em calls to a girl satiating down the corridor clearly not bothered about the stunt she just pulled, "was that..." Em begins to question but I nod confirming what she's about to say, "yep and Chloe still hates me."

"It's her flippen fault and it was like six months ago. You know it's all her doing that you got Ty, though you two are so much cuter then they ever were may I add." I raise my eyes at her rambling as I pick up my bag, that doesn't stop her, "she was toying with him for a good two months before you guys hooked up."

"Okay Em!" I somewhat yell her eyes startled, "sorry... but it's fine. Can we please not talk about this anymore?" She nods as we enter the classroom.

The rest of the day continues much the same. Me studying, Em talking and Chloe finding every chance to cause shit. By the time the bell rings signalling the end of the day I almost fly to my locker, grabbing what I need and dart to my car. Once I'm comfortably seated all I can think is, 'thank the lord it's Friday.' Turning to my bag I pull out my phone dialling mums number, it rings twice before I'm met with her comforting voice, "hey hun, how are you?

"I'm okay, you?"

"I'm good thanks. So, what's up?"

"is it okay if I head to Ty's tonight?" there is a slight pause, "yeah that's fine... um do you have clothes and all that?" bless her. I'm so glad that she trusts me, "yeah I left some of my stuff there last time. He said he washed it, so I'll be fine."

"Okay too easy, be safe and I love you. I'll see you some time tomorrow," I smile, "I love you too" I say as I hang up and place my phone back in my bag. Turning my car on I head towards my home away from home.

I come to a halt at his front door, unsure if I should stay and knock or leave because after all he does not need to deal with my possibly hormone induced sadness. After standing there for what feels like an eternity I decide it's probably best if I leave, as I turn away the door behind me swings open, revealing Ty, chest heaving, "Klaire! Where are you going?" I turn and look at him, "I heard you pull up but I was in the shower, so I was waiting for you to knock because the door was unlocked," I smile, "sorry I just didn't think you were home yet is all" he looks at me almost analysing what I said, shaking my head, "anyway how did you go today?" his face begins to beam. "It was so good Klaire, I met some wicked people and they said that I show a lot of promise and they look forward to me joining them next year," his excitement is clear, and I couldn't be happier for him. "Ty that's amazing!" I scream jumping into his arms. He immediately catches me and pulls me in, we stay like this. My shitty day turning magically the right way up. We eventually pull apart. "how as your day?" my smile fades, "don't ask" I say, pulling away from his warm hold, "why? What happened?" brows furrowed. "I don't want to talk about it" my eyes locking with his, desperation evident, "okay" he sighs raising his hands in mock surrender. He looks around before turning to me again, "at least come inside?"

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