One hell of a week

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This story will be split up into sections I think, going day by day. Kinda like journal but not in that format. Anyway hope you enjoy :)


Day 1 - (this sorta just the opener)

It's gonna be one hell of a week, I think as I carry my tired body to the bathroom. Exhaustion setting in after completing my 31-hour ocean race. Peeling of the clothes that have seemingly fused to my skin, I stand under the scolding water letting it wash all the salt from my skin. If I shut my eyes for too long I feel my legs swaying, my body taking me back to the boat, back on the water and back out to sea. The swaying ends the moment I open my eyes, yet a part me hates the idea that soon enough I'll feel fine, the swaying will stop, and the physical remnants of the ocean will begin to melt away.

I soon turn the water off, far too tired to stand there much longer. Stepping out the water drips from skin splashing and pooling at my feet, quickly drying myself I make my way to my room, dressing quickly and head off straight to bed. The weight lifting from my exhausted shoulders the minute my head hits the pillow. "Hmm" I moan at the release, it's gonna be one hell of a week. My mind wanders to what events may occur throughout the renowned party week of the annual Geraldton to Fremantle ocean race, sleep beckons and I do not hesitate to let it wash over me.

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