Chapter 1

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Soo Jung P.O.V

"Ok you're Dismiss" Mrs. Snow said to all of us, our teacher.

Everyone started to pack their things, some of them chatting while putting their stuffs inside their bag, one of the girls talking to someone in the phone which I think is her boyfriend; the boys had already left the room.

When I see the room was almost empty I sigh then stood up and started packing my stuff inside, when my stuff was already pack, I turn around and started walking out of the room with my sketch book in my hands.

I was walking through the hall going to my locker to put some things, when I can see my locker hall I sped up my pace a bit, there was a lot of people in here walking I bump into someone who I do not know cause I did not even look it was, I just mumble a 'sorry'.

When I finally reach my locker, I enter the code and open it, I got my bag from my back and zip it open to get the notebooks I need to put in the locker, when I was done putting them, I pull my bag back to my back and close the door to my locker.

"Hi!" Someone greeted, which cause me to jump a bit in shock, I saw Jungkook leaning next to my locker.

"You scared me" I said adjusting my breathing, he just giggle.

"I know" He gave me a giggling smile, I just smile with him.

"So, lunch?" I offered.

"I'm already on it" He said then grab my wrist and pull me with him to go to the lunch hall.

Cause of his clumsiness we bump into some people, I just muttered 'sorry'.

This is Jungkook my best friend since we were born, my parents and his parents are friends, we grew up together, and he's like my only friend in this school. We go to the same school every year, and it's our last year of being high school and we're planning on going to a same university together, some may say that me and Jungkook are a couple, we just giggle and ignore them.

I mean I'm Bi, but I'm still in focus of my studies, relationship is the last thing on what I'm gonna do.

When we reach the Lunch hall, it was pack with students Jungkook and I were looking for a free table for us to sit, and then I saw one.

"Kookie, over there" I pointed at the free table, he look at where I'm pointing and his face lit up a bit.

"Come on" He said and pull me through the crowd, Jungkook just really loves to eat and he can't eat well when he's standing, he really wants to eat sitting.

When we reach the table Jungkook put his hands on the table, but was smack away with another hand.

It was them

The Popular ones, the Bad ones.

I can feel Jungkook tense a bit, who wouldn't? They are the Bad guys after all, who wouldn't be afraid of them?


"This is our table" One of them said, with a brown hair with black eyes, there were actually five of them.

The short one caught me staring at him and I can see the smirk in his face forming, I raise my eyebrow a bit, I just shake my head a bit and continue to look at the other two.

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