Chapter 8

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Soo Jung's P.O.V

My alarm clock rings. "Ring! Ring! Ring!"

I reach for my alarm clock by my arms with my eyes on the ceiling; I turned it off and place my arms back on the bed, and stared blankly above.

I had a hard time taking a sleep, my thoughts would always brought me back to what happen yesterday. And the text made it even worse for me to outthink it.

After I receive his text that night, I look at my window to see that it was really open. I lean closer to see Jimin leaning on his car, with a smirk on his face.  A smirk!

I was not planning on going to school today, I don't have a strength I guess. I just really want to stay in my bed and take a long and peaceful nap.

I shook all of the thoughts about yesterday, about the text, and about Jimin. I push them all away deciding to take a rest.

I sigh, slowly closing my eyes and went to sleep.

I was slowly drifting to sleep now, my mind is at peace now. But then something woke me up making me to groan in annoyance, my phone vibrated indicating a text from someone.

I roll over a bit and reach for my phone, I open the text and see that it was an Unknown #, which clearly is Jimin.

From: Unknown #
RISEandSHINE! Big day ;)
-Say yes!

I groan, just by the text I can feel that he was smirking; I let it fall down my bed. I put my hands on face, and then grab my phone back to respond.

From:  Soo Jung

I replied and put my phone back to its place and closed my eyes to sleep, then I heard my door creaked open revealing my mum. With a surprise look, maybe because I'm still here laying on my bed, this is like the first time that she saw me still on bed with this time.

"Soo Jung, why aren't you up?" she ask fully entering my room.

"I'm tired mum, and I think I'm sick." Uttering with a slow and soft voice, my eyes having hard time being open.

"Oh, well do you want stay here and take some rest Soo Jung?" my mother asks with a bit of a worrying voice. I would really love to stay, but then I remember that we have some things that is really important to do in school today.

I sigh before getting up from bed and face my mother, "No, I'm fine I'll just take a shower." I said. She step forward then kiss my forehead and mumbling an 'ok' then she leave my room and hearing her footprints that she was going downstairs.

I straightly go to the bathroom after yawning a bit more, took some stretching. And take a nice and relaxing shower, hoping that this would ease me.


As I walk out of the bathroom, I look at my clock to see that I already have like 10 minutes left before my first class start. I quickly grab some plain black sweat shirt and dark jeans. I quickly put them on, stumbling a bit when I was getting my jeans.

I already brush my teeth and, I grab my things and backpack together with my phone.

I open the door and step out of my room, I can tell that my younger sisters are still asleep because of the peacefulness that is occurring in the hallway.

Once I leave my room and directly went downstairs; I could smell bacon which I really love. My stomach starts to grumble but I ignored it.

"Mum, I gotta go I'm almost late." I said while entering the kitchen with mum getting ready for breakfast and Dad sitting in front of the table with a newspaper on both of his hands.

"Eat your breakfast first." She ordered, I can see my father eyed me. "You know how important it is for you to eat breakfast, especially on your condition." She said, making me frown a bit.

"Your mother is right, Soo Jung." My father uttered, not looking at me.

"Mum, dad, I'm getting late and by eating will make me even late more," I explain to both of them, mom was about to speak again but I cut her off, "don't worry mum, I'll eat at school I promise." I said while kissing her on the cheek.

I pull away and grab one strip of bacon and place it on my mouth, "bye!" I said to both of them.



I finally arrive at my school and I still have 4 minutes left before the classes start. Thank God that some of my schoolmates gave me a lift to school.

As I enter the first hallways I immediately feel some people's eyes on me and I can even hear them whispering something on each other. Like a 'she's here'

I felt a bit awkward, but I kept my face straight.

I just ignore them and went to my locker; just as I turn to the next hall a group of boys/bad boys riding a skate board, skated towards me making my eyes a bit wide and I tried to avoid them making me to stand sideways and wrap my sketchbook tightly on my chest.

As the last skater pass by, I sigh and relax. I thought that they were gone but then I saw them they were just at the back of me,  a few meters away from me, blocking the way.

"What's the meaning of this?" I ask them, but no one answered they just give me a weird smile and a smirk.

I just ignore them and turn my heels around. Then I hit something hard causing my sketchbook to fall on the ground, I feel like I hit a chest. A hard chest.

I look up slowly to see brown eyes, and a –undercut hair style. I can also feel this smirk growing. It's Jimin.

"Morning." He whispered, softly his warm breath hitting my face. I have to admit he has some fresh breaths.

I step back a bit, and pick up my sketchbook from the ground. I look back at him and to see he was wearing a gray t-shirt with an 'ARMY' sign on it and very tight black jeans. You could see the outline of his ... 'thingy'.

"I see your liking the view," I heard him tease and I can feel that my cheeks are flushing, I immediately look at him and shook of the thoughts I'm having.

"What view? The view where you aren't in front of?" I retort at him walk pass him.

I heard his heels turn with a grunt and followed me; I open my locker and place the things that should be placed. He was leaning sidely with his arms crossed at his chest.

"Why are you still here?" I ask at him.

"Because I'm here waiting for my girlfriend so th..." I cut him off.

"Wait what!" I exclaim, "since when did I become your girlfriend."

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