Chapter 9

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"Wait what!" I exclaim, "since when did I become your girlfriend."

"Since now." He answered simply. I close my locker and walk to get to my class.

"One- I'm not your girlfriend, two- I haven't answered your offer yet, and may never will be. Three- can you please stop following me." I snap at him getting slightly annoyed by him.

"No can do, cause One- you are my girlfriend two- you.." I cut him off again.

"I am not your girlfriend!" I snap at him again. I heard that the boys that were skating was laughing softly, I look at them and narrowed my eyes at Jimin.

"What is it with you cutting me off?" he snap back, I can tell the he is getting annoyed as well.

I did not care to answer him back, I'm hungry and I think I'm about to faint.  So I decided to go to the lunch hall and grab something to eat.

I reach the way where the skater boys are blocking my way, I stop at my tracks and glared at them. I heard Jimin's footsteps getting closer, "can you please tell your minions to go away."

"My minions?" I heard Jimin scoffs behind. "You mean our minions."

My eyes were in shock but I hide it and turn around to look at him he was smirking. "Our minions, eh?" I smirk then turn around to them.

"Ok, will you my minions..." I started off softly and sweetly, "get the fuck out of my way!" I shouted, really shouted.

I heard them all giggle. The f? I look at them unbelievably, and then they were just laughing with wide grin on each of their faces.

"Oooh Jimin, looks like Cr-" one them spoke up but Jimin cut him off.

"Leave!" he said with a loud voice, making me flinch at the loudness.

All of them just shake their heads then leave with their skateboards on their arms. Some of them muttered some words but I quite didn't catch it. I look at Jimin and his eyes was on fire, I roll my eyes and leave him.

I'm so catch up on what just happen that I forgot that I was hungry, until my stomach growled again. I place one hand on it, I can feel a slight pain on it and I can feel that I'm lacking out of air.

I was walking around the hall looking for the lunch hall, him following behind muttering some words that I can't seem to understand.

"... it's bad!" he finished, but I wasn't really paying much of attention to his rumbling.

I felt my eyes dropping down, my body getting heavy and mind getting fuzzy. Once I felt like my eyes have already surrendered down I instantly fell down but I was captured by two muscular arms.

"Soo Jung, Soo Jung..." I heard Jimin shout.


Soo Jung's P.O.V

I hear nothing but only peace and quiet, I hear nothing that makes my head hurt and irritate. I feel relax.

"Shit!" I heard someone cursed, and by the sound of it I already know who it is. Jimin.

I was having a great time with the peace and quiet 'till this irritating person ruins it. The ease and relaxation that I was having earlier, all gone.

I slowly open my eyes to see Jimin in the side sitting with his phones on both his hands, it's like he was playing some games because he was moving his hands and fingers fast.

I slowly tilt my head to see where I am. I am in a clinic bed, which means I am in the clinic. I look back to Jimin to see that my stuffs are on his side, suddenly I feel that Jimin's eyes are on mine. I look at him to see that I am quite right.

The thing that made me surprise a bit is that his expressions were worried and at the same time cheeky. I clear my throat softly then he stood up and walks towards me.

"Do you really need to curse when you're using your phone?" I said, he cross his eyebrows at me then stand beside me.

"Of course, I was at my time on beating my highest score." He responds.

"Who cares about your high score." I said with a small grin on my face, his face fell a bit then he leans his face down to mine.

Our faces are really inches away from now, his eyes are roaming around my face until it landed on my eyes. I had to close my lips tightly, feeling the heat rising up in my face.

"I do," he uttered softly, his fresh minty breath hitting my face.

He continues on leaning down on me making my eyes closed, I thought that he was gonna do something 'till I felt his breath on my ears. "I care for my scores."

I open my eyes and come to reality, "ahm, can you please get off."

He get off me with a smirk on his face, his arms was on the side for support. "You're blushing."


His smirk grows bigger, "which totally means that you like me back," he said smiling, "and means that we're together."

I have to admit that he really hit a part In me there when he said 'totally means you like me back' it made me smile in the inside and the outside, but then feelings gone when he continue. I gave him a 'keep dreamin' look and I roll my eyes.

I sigh.

"We are not together." I said.

"Keep telling that to yourself," he scoffs at me.

"By the way, why did you faint anyway?" he asks changing the topic that we're having. It shocks me that he became worried at my situation.

"Ahm, I don't really know." I bit my lip.

"That's bullshit." He exclaim loudly, making me flinch a bit.

I was about to answer at him, but the school nurse entered the room breaking my conversation with Jimin. I can tell that the school nurse heard what Jimin said.

"I can see that Soo Jung is already awake," the school nurse said moving up to me then placing his hand on my forehead, checking like I have a fever.

"Did you happen to skip your breakfast?" the school nurse asks. Jimin look at me, looks like he's studying my face.

"Ahm, no." I lied. I see Jimin shook his head a bit.

"Oh, you must had a hard time sleeping, or maybe you did not have one?" she said, giving me a straight look.

"Yeah, I did." I said, not lying this time.

"In that case, I'll call your parents to pick you up so that you can have a good rest." She informed me.

"No need, I'll be the one taking him home." Jinin suddenly speak up, "besides I'm his boyfriend I should be taking care of her." He said, looking at me when he said 'boyfriend'.

Heat flushing up again.

"No, he's no-" I did not even have the time to speak up, because the nurse was already having a fit laugh.

"Ohh, how sweet." She said sweetly then look at me, "you're a lucky one." She said then leaves the room.

Jimin turned his face and faced me, I shot him a glare.

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