Chapter 5

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I am basically in detention room now, waiting for the teacher and Jimin.

The day was a bit tiring, I had to fine a spilled soda and it took me almost an hour to found one, Jungkook kept bugging me about what was I doing holding a mop, teachers giving us projects which I fins so hectic.

I was snap in reality when the door open revealing a relax Jimin.

He closed the door and walk towards his sit, next to me. He put his bag down to his sit before sitting down.

It was silent, just taking glances at each other, more like me glancing at him. We are just waiting for the teacher to arrive, what is taking him so long?

It's getting too silent here, and I find it awkward. So I decided I should talk, first.

"Look, Jimin I'm sorry" I said he did not look at me, he is just tapping his fingers on the arm chair.

"I know what I did is wrong, but I also know I can help you" I said and that's the thing that he looks at me, with a getting piss face.

"So now you think I have some kind of problem that needs to be cured?" He said with an angry tone, my mouth opening for an answer but failed, I just look down.

"That's not what I meant" I said.

"Then what?" He said, voice getting louder and annoyed.

"I know you're jealous but I don't know to whom, but I can tell that its because of the two" I said, then he just looks at me.

"I just want to help you, not help like curing you but help in a friendly way" I said, and then his face softened.

He sighs before leaning back to his sit, then spoke up.

"You're right, I am jealous" He said then I waited for him to continue "I'm jealous cause kang Jun has Hyun Min, I'm jealous cause they're together, I like Hyun Min but she doesn't like me back cause she said I'm not cool enough like Kang Jun, that's why I hurt Kang Jun cause he took her from me" He finished and now my face is unexplainable.

I'm shock and at the same time happy.

I mean Jimin is cool, I think.

I'm shock cause he's not that bad after all, and he is just fighting for Hyun Min but she gives up. But I don't really why I'm happy, is it because his single?

"Say something!" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts, I look at him.

"I ..." I trailed off, I just really don't what to say then he sigh then look away "No wait, I just really don't know what to say"

He did not respond.

"But I think I have a plan that you can do to make her yours again" I said slightly mot sure about my plan, but I just really want to help him.

"What!" He said, not looking at me.

"You're gonna make her jealous" I said, now he look at me, but with a disbelieving face, I just give him a nod a smile.

"And what makes you think that will make her mine?" He asks.

"I just know" I said simply and he just shook his head. "Just trust me on this, it's like way for asking for forgiveness to you for what happen yesterday."

He looks at me and his face softens, then he nod. I can't help but smile.

"Ok, but what are we gonna do?" He asks.

"We are gonna find you someone that will act as your girlfriend, a girl that will not fall inlove with you" I said, smiling but deep inside frowning cause I feel like I want, the one to be me.

"Oh, ok but I'm gonna choose someone" He said giving me a cheeky smirk and smile, I just nod but something's telling that his few next words is gonna be so surprising.

"Of course you'll be the one to choose" I said then his smile getting wider. "So have you any ideas who'll you partner with?"


"Who?" And I just wish I haven't started a conversation with him, cause of that his next word made my world stopped and break down.


Hi guys heres chapter 5 :) hope ya'll liking it, I know it's a bit short but hey it's an update. (THIS GONNA BE THE LONG AUTHORS NOTE) I think.
I would like to thank each and everyone of you who READ, VOTE and COMMENT in my story even if I know it's not that good lol act I really really really appreciate it! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I guess that's all guys BYE.

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