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Charli's POV
"Where am I?" I say

Then suddenly, an object appears before me.

"Huh, a compact. Weird?" I question

"It's not weird. Well at least not to me. You're are the missing Glitter Force warrior, Glitter Creative!" a cheery voice says

"Who is it?" I ask

"Hi, I'm a pixie named Candy, and I'm from Jubiland" the voice continued

I look up and see a stuffed toy in front of me. As I stare at this thing in front of me, I go backwards. I didn't know what to do.

"Are you listening?" The pixie yelled

"Oh, sorry I got distracted." I reply

"Insert your Glitter Charm into the Glitter pact, say 'Glitter Force Makeover' and let it do the rest"

"Ok weird, but I'll give it a try"

I did as she said and I started transforming.

I started transforming, but with a puff with what seemed like blush, but it wasn't.

When transforming, I said some lines that somehow, I didn't have control of.

After finishing, I got to say a catchphrase.

"After a sketch finished, I become a masterpiece. I'm Glitter Creative" I yell

"Who knew, right!" The orange one yelled

"C'mon, lets defeat this big bad wolf" the green girl said

"Yeah!" A cheer

The girls stare at me, as to think I was crazy.


They all sigh in unison and start laughing straight after.

"Let's get this over with already" a deep voice said

We all turn and see the big bad wolf, waiting by his buffoon to defeat us.

"Ok girls, time to get this over and done with" the girl in blue said

We all nod and defeat the buffoon, and I found out that my power was to form protective shields.

After what seemed like forever, we defeated the buffoon and Ulric was sent back to where he came from.

After Ulric had left, everything went back to normal and the girls and I returned to our normal human forms.

"Best day ever" I yell

Then we all start laughing.

The girls and I start talking about stuff, when we were heading back to my place. On the way back to my place, my friends told me about the Glitter Force and how we were all warriors. They also said that the secret of the Glitter Force, must not be revealed to anyone.

To be honest, keeping it a secret will be hard, but it will worth it to keep my family safe.

My friends told me their Glitter Force names, and about the villains we have to fight.

I think I'm going to like being a Glitter Force warrior.

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