Chapter 32: I Can Barely Stand

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Four months later...

I feel so heavy and unbalanced. I swear, these have been the longest nine months of my life. I am already nine months pregnant. Any minute now, I will become a mother.

I sat beside my Brad and Jessica in our house. We sold my apartment and bought a house. We needed more space for Tallia and the twins. Miranda however, bought an apartment near our house. My father divorced my mother. He plans on coming here when he gets money. Toni is with my dad because he is upset that my mom deceived him.

I put my head on Bradley's shoulder.
"Hey, it's been a heck of a ride." I said.
"I know. It's been so fast. Next month, we'll be married."
"I know. I can't wait. I can finally be with my love."
"Yeah. How are you feeling?"
"Like a whale. I feel so heavy. And like a domino. If you touch me, I'll fall over."
Brad began to giggle. "God, this is funny."
"I will be fat if it means being with my kids."
"Such determination and persistence."

We began watching a movie on TV. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my stomach began to ache.
"Ahhhh!" I yelled.
"Tammy?" Brad sprang into action.
"Tammy!" Tallia ran down the stairs and leaped in front of me. Brad picked me up and placed me in his car.
"Don't worry Tammy, we are almost there!" Brad yelled.
"Ahhhhhh!!" I keeps yelling. "Hurry up!!"
"I am, but I can't speed!"
"Just get me there!!"

We got to the hospital and Brad held onto me. Tallia held my purse and Brad's keys.
"I am in labor!!!" I yelled. The nurses ran to me and removed me from Brad's custody. I was now on my own. My number one priority was to have these kids and survive. I'm 19. And I'm Tammy Scaletta. I can do this. I can do this.


Three hours later....

I was done. I lay there with two babies in my hand. A boy and a girl. Brad ran in, his face full of tears. I looked pale and ghostly.
"What are their names?" Brad asked.
"Brenda and Toby."
"Brenda and Toby? I like it." I smiled and felt Brad burry his face in my chest.
"We are now a family." I whispered gingerly. "When can I leave?"
"Two days, one night."
"I know." I saw Tallia beyond the glass window.
"Tammy!" She ran in. "They're adorable! I'm an aunt!"
"Yes. Yes you are!"
"What are their names?"
"Brenda and Toby." Bradley muttered.

We all leaned in and hugged. This is the most love I have felt since my days with Brad in the apartment. A love never to cease. It'll grow as we grow. I saw Brad's mother enter the room.
"Goodness! Tammy!" She ran to me. "They're adorable. The girl looks like Brad and the boy like you."
"Brenda and Toby."
"Their names match."
"That's the point."
"When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow evening."
"I shall prepare a get together for you guys."
"Thanks." She smiled and exited the room. I felt isolated immediately and loaned to feel Brad's heat beside me.

Brad came in an hour later and smiled at me.
"How ya feeling Misses Simpson?"
"I'm not married to you yet but it feels good to hear that. I'm fine. Isolated. But fine."
He walked closer so that his body was beside my face. "Nice to see that skinny, short Tammy I met just about ten months ago."
"Ah, you liked me skinny?"
"Of course. I then can carry you and spoil you."
"I know. You love me. Just the way I am."
"Short and skinny. With flaws I can stand. Because those faults will one day align."
Suddenly, the thought of my stars came to my head. "Its like you've known me forever."
"For me, it's seems like I've known you forever and that I've been with you for an eternity." I smiled and we kissed. I could endure one more day of imprisonment in this hospital. Do it for Brad. Do it for that immense love for your family.


I woke up and I was tired. It was 11 a.m. and I wasn't a happy camper. I was hungry. I missed Brad. I felt cold. A nurse walked in and smiled.
"Miss Scaletta, good morning. How are you feeling?" She asked.
"I am fine, thank you. Is my boyfriend here?"
"Do you mean Mister Bradley Simpson?"
"That's correct."
"Yes, he is in the lobby."
"Great. How are my twins?"
"They're very healthy."
"That's amazing. Do you mind getting Brad for me?"
"No, I don't mind at all. A pleasure." She smiled and walked out the room. She's definitely a good nurse.
Brad warily walked in and looked at me.
"Hello Brad, good morning."
"Hi Tammy."
"Why are you acting so weird?"
"Nothing. I just didn't sleep. I need coffee."
"So do I. Maybe this will energize you." I moved my index finger to gesture him to come to me. He ran over and kissed me. "Energized?"
"Maybe. I think I need another one just to be sure." I leaned in and we kissed again. We smiled with the light illuminating the twinkles and sparkles in our eyes. "I need some coffee. You are leaving at noon, by the way."
"Energetic today?"
"I'll have to get used to that."
"Yes you will."
"Love you." He winked and went on his way.

I waited until 12:05 p.m and saw my angel enter the room. Brad held the exit papers and the birth certificate and picked me up. He put me down on the floor and I immediately stumbled to the ground. Now I really am unbalanced. Brad laughed.
"Haha very funny, now help me up." I grumbled. He picked me up and carried me to the nursery. There, I saw our twins. Brenda and Toby. They looked adorable sleeping. I was proud that I was a mother and that in three weeks, I, Tammy Natalia Scaletta, am getting married to him, Bradley Will Simpson. We will unite and that means we will become one soul inhabiting two bodies. That's our love. Irrevocable.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now