Birthday Special!

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Today is All I Want to be is Somebody to You's birthday!

I just want to thank all the readers for reading this and making my dream come true. 24K reads, 910 votes with readers from 35 different countries and 6 different age groups! That is honestly amazing (source:

But, anyhow, I decided to do a birthday special. That's right, an exclusive scene, for All I Want to be is Somebody to You. Here goes. Enjoy!




The sun was shining brightly and the neighborhood was abnormally quiet. It felt nice. Especially because I had left the twins with Tallia to go out with Brad for our first wedding anniversary. Honestly, it's been such a great day.

Brad bought me a bouquet of flowers, with a bracelet from Pandora, kind of like the one James gave Miranda when they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Except, mine was full of stars, a compass in the center, with the sun on the back, and Earth in the front. He also got me a necklace with a compass, with stars engraved on it. If I get another daughter (or two), I will give it to her when she needs it the most. I loved it and put both pieces of jewelry on right away.

I wore the dress I wore when Fathoming Stars's LP came out with the heels I wore for it too. I wore light makeup and left my hair out. I got to admit, I was feeling pretty good today already.

Brad wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a large blue jumper, and a black Vans beanie, with his Vans. Casual. He looked pretty hot today.

Brad came upstairs and walked me downstairs, already telling me that he was going to be providing me with food for the whole day. I wondered what he was up to.

We went to breakfast at the diner where we had our first meal together with the guys. That was the day I fell on glass and had to get crutches. That was the day Brad, James, Tris, Connor, and I went go-kart racing. That was also the day I was a bitch to Brad at night and he left really sad.

Brad was wearing half of his food on his face. "Bradley!" I giggled, spilling my coffee on the table.

"Tammy!" Brad copied.

"You're so adorable. I love you."

"I love you more. How's your breakfast, m'lady?"

"It's delicious, thank you. How about yours, m'lord?"

"Pretty good." He flashed his smile. He did the one smile that makes me cringe inside for how adorable it is. He noticed that and let out a hearty laugh. "Someone looks so cute."

I blushed. "Baby, just stop smiling. It's so adorable, it makes me wonder."

"Wonder what?"

"What life would be without you."

His smile faded. He only let out one word: "Why?"

"Because, I feel like I do not deserve you."

"But why?"

I stayed quiet. "You're not Socrates to be questioning my contemplations."

Brad's eyes popped. "Whoa."

We payed the check and left the diner, silently. No one dared to break the silence. That was what made me feel worse. I felt like it was all my fault. Why was I such a bitch to Brad? He didn't deserve it.

I looked at Brad, who looked at me, giving me an apologetic smile. I couldn't help but grab his hand and clutch it in my hand. He turned red.

"I love you Brad. I'm sorry." I said abruptly.

"Shut up Tammy. I love you more. This is our anniversary. We are supposed to be thinking like that."


"But nothing. My love, forget about it."

"Brad. I was a bitch. I don't deserve this."

"Yes you do. I am eternally grateful you. I am truly in debt with you."

I didn't want to question him. If I did, maybe he would say something I would want to hear.


Brad and I went to the park for a walk, another restaurant we've been to when we were dating, and we went for a drive. Brad was cordial, as always, and admirable. I guess I couldn't ask for anything else today. He basically treated me to one of the best days of my life.

On our way home, Brad stopped at a random street in town. He got out of the car and opened the door on my side. He unbuckled my seatbelt and dragged me out of the car, slamming the door behind him and not even bothering to lock the car. I wanted to speak up but I was afraid to.

Brad took me to an abandoned house, where I noticed the most minimal detail: The Simpsons, on the side of the house. I looked at him, tears filling his eyes.


"This was my childhood home." He answered, reading my mind.

I continued looking around at all the different features the house held outside. It was a large, rectangular house made of stone and a flat roof. It had two stories with what looked to be an attic on top. The trees were barren and there was not a single flower planted, just a rose bush that didn't have any blossomed flowers, just thorns.

Brad collapsed to the ground. I rushed towards him. "Brad!"

"It's broken."


"My dream to one day have this house again. Gone."

"Brad, but-"

"It'll cost millions to repair this house." Something caught his eyes, causing me to turn to it. It was on the garage, drawn in what looked to be chalk, a few words that made me turn red. Bradley Simpson & Natalie Simpson <3 NY or bust. I frowned.

"Brad, I want to be part of this dream. Let's save enough money to buy the house and repair it. The kids'll love it!"



"I said, 'no'."


"Because, no one would like a house like this."

"We can fix it. If not, we can give it to your mum and dad or even Nat. It's nearby ours!"

"Tammy, this house was the house I abandoned. It's destroyed on the inside. It's still our house!"

A lightbulb went off in my head. They left this house. They didn't sell it. They just left it here to rot.

"Then, why don't we repair it? If no one wants it, we can sell it."

"I want this house."

"So do I."

"We can even add an extra floor or rooms for the kids."

"I like that."


"Okay." I smiled, grabbing Brad's hand and helping him off the floor. He put his arms around my waist and kissed me.

This just might be our future house. Just ours. His dream, now my future...

What'd you guys think? I really like this chapter of the book. This house is the house Brad and Tammy live in later on in Tonight, when time changes.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now